The Rug

 Sometimes it's good to go back to basics. 'Rug' has different meanings.. Floor covering or Actors Wig etc-We know Hair loss [the Dog] has been an issue, 'Phalacraphobia'...'Hydrophobia' relates to fear of Water and 'Rabies' [in Dogs] etc...meanings vary according to context.

How many 'Phobias' can You Name?

'Homophobia' 'Xenophobia' 'Agoraphobia' there are many more Dude...

[perhaps these 'Phobias' take other 'forms?' in My opinion 'Aquaphobia' is the main one

Aquaphobia refers to an extreme or irrational fear of water. Many people exhibit some degree of fear or caution around certain types of water, such as murky lakes, high tides, or rapids.

However, people with aquaphobia can experience excessive anxiety around seemingly harmless bodies of water, such as pools and bathtubs.

Phobia means 'fear'..

Sigmund Freud made the correlation between 'Shit'[Faeces] and Gold in His Seminal Work

'Character and Anal Eroticism'


'One holds gold, as with Responsible Gold, as a mark of mental as well as financial stability. Thus, as implied by Freud, it indeed seems neurotic to conflate the most and the least precious of substances. And from a Jungian perspective, the price of abandoning gold is neurosis, financial and psychological.',of%20abandoning%20gold%20is%20neurosis%2C%20financial%20and%20psychological.

“In reality, wherever archaic modes of thought have predominated or persist — in the ancient civilizations, in myths, fairy tales, and superstitions, in unconscious thinking, in dreams and in neuroses — money is brought into the most intimate relationship with dirt. 

We know that the gold which the devil gives his paramours turns into excrement after his departure, and the devil is certainly nothing else than the personification of the repressed unconscious instinctual life. 

We also know about the superstition which connects the finding of treasure with defecation, and everyone is familiar with the figure of the “shitter of ducats” (Dukatenscheisser). Indeed, even according to ancient Babylonian doctrine, gold is “the feces of Hell.” 

Thus in following the usage of language, neurosis, here as elsewhere, is taking words in their original, significant sense, and where it appears to be using a word figuratively, it is usually simply restoring its old meaning.

[from above linked site]

Notwithstanding the fact that Freud's work is questionable in almost all its Tenets it is of interest

that His Methodology included having His Patients sit on a Couch covered with a Rug.

[He had a collection of Rugs -mostly Persian and Hand made- which He used as a kind of

'Illustration' to His Patients of the workings of the Psyche 

[Overall Construction-Individual Elements-Artisanship- Significance of knots-Cultural History etc- 'The Weaver God' ] 

                                                             [pic from above linked site]

The [Antique]Couch was given

to Freud by Madame Bevenisti around 1890 [see above link] and has become A SYMBOL in itself of

PsychoAnalysis- which everyone knows about.[ the 'Casting Couch']

The Rug in 'Lebowski' is like all Characters/Props-  a Cheap Imitation- but it does have some significance after being micturated upon by the Oriental Protagonist- to begin the 'Game' [Mono-poly]

because 'Poker' Terminology is used in conjunction with Freudian Terminology extensively..

[see any online Poker 'Glossary' for Street Terms , 'Rock' etc etc. .“Face down in the mud” is a card playing term used in the game of Bridge. It refers to a player who has lost all the tricks in a hand and is left with no cards.]

Who  'does not know Shit' ? - EVERY CHARACTER

Who is 'Out of your Element?' EVERY CHARACTER

Who is trying to be a [Freudian/Jungian] Psychiatrist?-EVERY CHARACTER

[Shit of course being Heroin Opiate etc Piss being Alcohol]

The Rug Stealing Scene in Lebowski, is itself  stolen from 'THE GODFATHER' PT 11 MOVIE.. where Robert De Niro as 'Vito' assists 'Clemenza' .[walks off with Rug on Shoulder]

 Directed by Coppola [who spent time in His Youth in an 'Iron lung' Machine as a Polio sufferer]

Coppola worked with Actor Jeff 'Mullet' Bridges on 'Tucker, the Man and His Dream'...

and is the Uncle of Nicholas Kim 'Cage'...who is known to have used Amanitas..[Magic Mushrooms]

as documented here;

Jealousy or 'The Green Eyed Monster?' amongst Actors/ Directors?

De Niro seems to be the object of the Jealousy? no Monopoly on leading Roles Dude.

'Taxi Driver' nah just couldn't see the Big Mullet in that role...even tho He tried out for the Role

'Deer Hunter?'...nah ...'Indiana Jones?'.. another pass [missed chance] for Jeff

Music? tracks from 'Bridges to Babylon'-Rolling Stones, 'Walls and Bridges'-John Lennon etc

Bridge the Card Game?

Californian Bridges? Golden Gate Bridge ?

Fact: The Golden Gate Strait was originally named Chrysopylae (or Golden Gate) by US Army Captain John C Frémont. Supposedly, it reminded him of a harbor in Istanbul named Chrysoceras, or Golden Horn.

Originally I was of the opinion that Jeff was a 'Herb Doctor' or 'Shaman' and maybe He is or was? -It doesn't matter -what does matter is knowledge of the effects of certain Herbal 'Concoctions' -some of which can cause more problems than They solve..

Mugwort Cannabis Sativa or 'Indica' Saponaria even Opium etc are all Medicinal but sometimes in the incorrect 'ratio' They can cause Problems. That is why Scientists [who were originally seen as 'Heretics' etc] agreed on a System of Classification for Plants and 

this 'System' is the usage of Latin alongside 'Ethnic Language' to identify .Hence any Book on Plants or Nature will usually have a Latin Text alongside whatever is being described. 

'Eupatorium Rugosa' is an Aromatic oil obtained from some Plants same as 'WHITE SNAKEROOT' [ageratina altissima]-a known Diuretic-the constituent Toxin in this Plant is TREMETOL ..

Syphilis being a Bacterial infection can cause an 'Overactive Bladder' BUT IS EASILY TREATABLE- Milk especially Goats Milk is known to cause unforeseen symptoms of irritability and mood swings/ if You find You are 'Lactose Intolerant' YOU can always use a Plant based equivalent Soy or Oat etc.

That's about it.. Game over.

Here's some real Class.. Outstanding Music..



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