Malibu Mycology
Because I can swim in all forms
Because I am the launch woman
Because I am the sacred opossum
Because I am the Lord opossum
-a 'FUN GUY' and a FUNGHI can easily be misheard or mis-spelt]
Inuit Shamans undertake 'Spirit Journeys' ....[drug induced]
no me dijo...
Above pic from linked site is next to another LLOYD BRIDGES production 'Life of the Party'- The Story of fact that site contains just about every plagiarized Title idea in 'Lebowski' which is unsurprising as a Father 'Complex' [Duplex] has written via Memory most of the Script.
Lloyd appeared in 'DARING GAME' as a Karate using Sky Diver.. or 'FLYING FISH' and We know FLYING FISH is Street for LSD hence the 'Horse Stance' of Karate being used by Jeff in the Car Park 'Fight Scene' with the 'Nihilists' etc and 'WOO' being both another word for 'Shaman' and
a Movie Director... As well as a Cocktail [MALIBU WOO WOO]
It goes on and on...'The Stranger' played by Actor/HORSEMAN, Sam ELLIOT has a WALRUS Moustache...and uses DRUG metaphor , 'BAR' being Street for HEROIN, same as 'CHICLE' [Spanish trans='Chewing GUM' ] which is Hispanic Street for HEROIN...used by the 'CHECKOUT' Lady in the 'Ralphs' [CHECKOUT IS ALSO A DRUG TERM AS IS 'BUSH']Lloyd Bridges appeared in many 'Cowboy' Movies.. 'KANSAS CITY' 'WICHITA' 'THE TALL TEXAN' etc..
'PRINCE OF THE BLUEGRASS' [1954 Movie with Lloyd Bridges ] became 'SEABISCUIT' and yet again 'SEA' appears in a JEFF BRIDGES MOVIE..
for THE SEA and the 'PACIFIC OCEAN' in particular provides all the 'ANIMALIST' Metaphor from wherever- Hawaii or Malibu-Bikini [atoll] or Polynesia...Surfing Terminology or Gambling Terminology sometimes provide similar meaning 'BOARD IT' etc hence WHALES WALRUS CRABS FISH SHARKS[AND 'SUCKER' REMORA] and so on.. FISHY VERY FISHY...LOL!
JEFF BRIDGES it must be remembered is A MULLET.
[which means 'Little Star' as well as 3rd Son or 'Shy Fish' etc]...and He is using all His Dad's Movies as the basis for His own- LOUISIANA PURCHASE?- He may have bought the rights? or He may not realise because of His infant 'JEWELS PROGRAMMING' that His Dad had knowledge of LSD-long before He did...How did He evade the HCUA so easily? His Dad was probably an undercover Agent recruited by the FBI .
ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO as seen in SEABISCUIT the HORSE MOVIE [Get it?]has no Coastline but it is here that something happened that was 'breaking' bad...Dude..
mean an Expert in all things MUSHROOM- the Illustrations in Her Books are all Her own Work and
are both Beautiful and Accurate in every Detail- a lot of Her work is included in many Reference Works used by Universities to the Present Day.
POTTER and Her Pet Rabbit Stories have been extensively Analysed by Literary Critics but most of the Critique is meaningless to the Majority of Readers- 'Naughty Rabbits' just do not seem to be of much interest. But Hold on! did She maybe have some kind of Personality 'Abnormality?' when She wrote Her Tales? after all She is known to have fed Her Pet Rabbit Hemp Seeds! and being around all those Colourful Mushrooms? CATCH MY DRIFT DUDE?.. She had Her Heart broken when Her fiancé died unexpectedly..
In MALIBU there are many Beaches 'LEO CARRILLO STATE PARK' etc
and LEO CARRILLO has already been mentioned by Me as being the Actor who played 'PANCHO'
in the 1950's TV Series 'THE CISCO KID'.[see wiki etc]
Another little Beach not too far from the 'Madding Crowd' of Hollywood Deadbeats is
'PIRATES COVE' [see above link] where the final Scene of 'PLANET OF THE APES' was filmed with the famous 'LADY LIBERTY' Statue [the 'Freemason 'Gift' to America which is really 'Astarte' as I have shown elsewhere in this Blog]coming out of the Sand. Yes there are many famous Beaches in California- and all of Them are Sites where Mushrooms and Toad Stools grow.
There is even a Place called 'THE MUSHROOM HOUSE' on one!.. Mushrooms grow happily inSand-Dunes some even grow on the actual High Water 'Line'. Crabs of course eat anything.
So, AMANITA MUSCARIA ['Fiery FLY Agaric]or JACKY TREEHORN [in His Red and White Beach Attire- another 'Horn' Funghi that grows on Trees]
must be someplace in the Memory of the Script Writer[s]-hence My supposition that 'the Impotent God' ie Min or Cannabis needs or needed an 'Aphrodisiac' which I at first thought was Datura and have not completely been convinced otherwise but now include Impudicus which is also thought to have Aphrodisiac Qualities as 'Aphrodite' in Myth is associated with the Sea...
He asserts that Aphrodite Ourania is the celestial Aphrodite, born from the sea foam after Cronus castrated Uranus, and the older of the two goddesses. According to the Symposium, Aphrodite Ourania is the inspiration of male homosexual desire, specifically the ephebic eros, and pederasty.
In research environments, specific terms are used for chronophilias: for instance, ephebophilia to refer to the sexual preference for mid-to-late adolescents, hebephilia to refer to the sexual preference for earlier pubescent individuals, and pedophilia to refer to the primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children
The term has been described by Frenchman Félix Buffière in 1980,[8] and Pakistani scholar Tariq Rahman,[9] who argued that ephebophilia should be especially used with regard to homosexuality when describing the aesthetic and erotic interest of adult men in adolescent boys in classical Persian, Turkish, or Urdu literature.
In HAWAII much LOCAL MYCOLOGY has attracted the attention of Females throughout the
World after claims were made that just Smelling a Hawaiian Mushroom would cause an
'Instant Orgasm' [Dictyophora]
[This correlates with much of My earlier Enquiries about the Brain Chemistry Alterations showing up in Literature as Characters with a 'Sexual' hidden meaning.. 'Dude' being a Big Prick[Penis] as well as a 'Turd' [Miserable piece of Shit/Cannabis] with [probable]Depression..
['Star Child' is a short Story by Oscar Wilde full of moralistic 'Metaphor']
When the Sense of Smell has been damaged through for example Cocaine Abuse- the 'Sentimental Pathway' to Memory is lost when the 'Olfactory Bulb' [Brain Cortex]is damaged
Here in Europe much AMANITA Symbolism [SANTA CLAUS/FLYING REINDEER etc] and other 'Forms' of Mycology STINKHORN etc has found its way into the Lexicon.[PHALLUS IMPUDICUS]and in ASIA the Chinese Founders of ZEN were known to use AMANITAS.
Maybe that's why old 'Duder' has a Cook Book for Mushrooms on the Table in His Apartment?
Phallus impudicus, known colloquially as the common stinkhorn,[2] is a widespread fungus in the Phallaceae (stinkhorn) family. It is recognizable for its foul odor and its phallic shape when mature, the latter feature giving rise to several names in 17th-century England.
It is a common mushroom in Europe and North America, where it occurs in habitats rich in wood debris such as forests and mulched gardens. It appears from summer to late autumn. The fruiting structure is tall and white with a slimy, dark olive colored conical head. Known as the gleba, this material contains the spores, and is transported by insects which are attracted by the odor—described as resembling carrion.
Despite its foul smell, it is not usually poisonous and immature mushrooms are consumed in parts of France and Germany. However in recent times, deaths of small or immature dogs have been reported after consumption of the mature fruiting body.[wikipedia]
Sometimes called the witch's egg
In 1777, the reverend John Lightfoot wrote that the people of Thuringia called the unopened stinkhorns "ghost's or daemon's eggs" and dried and powdered them before mixing them in spirits as an aphrodisiac
A few psychoactive plants of the vikings, of course there are more:
The bog bilberry (Rauschbeere, Vaccinium uliginosum), which can sometimes be hallucinogenic because of a symbiotic fungus (Sclerotina megalospora), which is living on it sometimes. In mediaeval times in Scandinavia the berries were pressed with wine. In Siberia the shamans used the berries together with fly agaric mushrooms. In Austria, Tirol they say, kids would loose their mind when they eat from the bog bilberrys (Rauschbeeren).
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