Rare footage of 1950's housewife on LSD (Full Version)


Watch til the end.. Dude.

in case you 'still' don't 'get it'....Dude is 'Buddha' and 'Buddha' is? death as well as 'life' [Sun]

So if You meet the 'metaphoric' 'Buddha' on the road-..kill 'Him'.

"The ninth-century Buddhist master Lin Chi is supposed to have said, 'If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.' Like much of Zen teaching, this seems too cute by half, but it makes a valuable point: to turn the Buddha into a religious fetish is to miss the essence of what he taught. In considering what Buddhism can offer the world in the twenty-first century, I propose that we take Lin Chi’s admonishment rather seriously. As students of the Buddha, we should dispense with Buddhism."


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