Cave in


One of the shrines to Pan in Israel was situated at the northern site of Banias (Caesarea Philippi).
Known as the Panion, it was in use from the 3rd century BCE through the 5th century CE and served the population of the town and its environs.
When Pan’s cult was first established there, the site was far removed from any urban center.
At its heart there was a large natural cave, beneath which one of the sources of the Jordan River issued.
Literary sources provide little information about the site or the cultic activities that took place there, except for an interesting description by Eusebius, the 4th century bishop of Caesarea, who mentions a festival rite during which a live goat was cast down into the cave, where it was believed to disappear miraculously, owing to the God’s power.
Archaeological excavations at Banias uncovered evidence of additional rituals, mainly cultic banqueting and the offering of simple gifts.
Over the centuries, a city grew around the shrine, which itself expanded to incorporate the cults of Zeus, Hermes, Nemesis, the nymphs Echo and Maia, and even the emperor Augustus.

'Pan' or 'Min' is Cannabis.

'Roll' is 'MDMA

'Rock' is Crack Cocaine

in 'Street' Terminology...So just substitute [transpose]these and other words for Narcotics into a Script..

'You're Roll' etc.. get it? why do I post such information? because the History of 'Pan'

is really the History of Schizophrenia [or Drug induced 'Dissociation.]

Unfortunately certain individuals have a propensity via genetic makeup to react badly to
Cannabis [Psychosis etc]

Mother 'Complexes' can lead to tragic scenarios if left untreated.

Copy -Cat Movie making is something of an Art- Practically every one made by Mullet is based on one released a couple of years or even decades earlier...Originality is in short supply..

[pic;IMDB- note 'Narrator' is Beau Bridges]

[above site does not include 'Pura Vida' which originates in Costa Rica Surf Community]


Pura Vida...Dude..


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