Project Mogul


Man check out the reviews of this piece of shit movie on 'Rotten Tomatoes'
[They validate what I said earlier about it being one boring waste of talent]

Anyways Jeff 'Mullet' Bridges was of course 'Jewels Programmed' in Childhood
and probably had no idea He was chosen to play this Role.
try as He might-His 'Roles' choose Him!

His character named  'Andy S-argent-ee' decides to make a Porno flick
after an 'illumination' ha ha nice one...load of shite its a recalled memory yet again.
[Why do You think -'Some Idiot' was included? see My previous Post Dude]

In Europe 'The Moguls' was called 'The Amateurs' Dude...

Project Mogul was conceived by Maurice Ewing who had earlier researched the deep sound channel in the oceans and theorized that a similar sound channel existed in the upper atmosphere: a certain height where the air pressure and temperature result in minimal speed of sound, so that sound waves would propagate and stay in that channel due to refraction

The project involved arrays of balloons carrying disc microphones and radio transmitters to relay the signals to the ground. 

It was supervised by James Peoples, who was assisted by Albert P. Crary.

One of the requirements of the balloons was that they maintain a relatively constant altitude over a prolonged period of time. Thus instrumentation had to be developed to maintain such constant altitudes, such as pressure sensors controlling the release of ballast.

The early Mogul balloons consisted of large clusters of rubber meteorological balloons, however, these were quickly replaced by enormous balloons made of polyethylene plastic. These were more durable, leaked less helium, and also were better at maintaining a constant altitude than the early rubber balloons. Constant-altitude-control and polyethylene balloons were the two major innovations of Project Mogul.

Project Mogul was the forerunner of the Skyhook balloon program, which started in the late 1940s, as well as two other espionage programs involving balloon overflights and photographic surveillance of the Soviet Union during the 1950s, Project Moby Dick and Project Genetrix.

The previously conducted "Project Moby Dick" used much smaller balloons launched from what was called a "Covered Wagon".

 The spy balloon overflights raised storms of protest from the Soviets.[2] The constant-altitude balloons also were used for scientific purposes such as cosmic ray experiments.

 Further development of nuclear detonation detection systems was extensive for decades afterward, culminating in worldwide systems by various countries to keep eyes and ears on detecting and verifying the others' nuclear weapon developments.

 There would also be fixed-wing United States aerial reconnaissance of the Soviet Union during the 1950s. Overflights would end in 1960 (once an aircraft had been shot down by SAMs), and reconnaissance would afterward (for decades) be handled mostly by reconnaissance satellites and to some extent by aircraft, such as the A-12 OXCART and SR-71 Blackbird (photography and radar) and RC-135U and similar aircraft (SIGINT including ELINT and COMINT).


NASA and CIA ? is there a 'link' of course there is- the Military Dude..

'AREA 51' [NEW MEXICO]has achieved notoriety among 'UFO' investigators...and is the site of

the crash landing of one of these Balloons..[a fabricated cover story was already in place in case of such an event] and one of the funniest practical jokes I ever saw was the 'Autopsy' of an 'Alien' Dummy which created an industry of 'Conspirator Theorem'- EVEN WHEN THE MAKERS OF THIS HOAX ADMITTED LIABILITY-AND PROVED IT WITH PHOTOS OF A MEAT JOINT BOUGHT FROM A LOCAL SHOP AND INSERTED INTO THE DUMMY'S 'FRACTURED ARM ETC-SOME PEOPLE STILL REFUSED TO BELIEVE IT.

A whole new industry of blurred 'flying Saucers' 'lights in the sky' etc soon followed. But in the midst of all this hokum was a spark of truth...Nazis had indeed experimented with 'Flying Saucer'-type Aircraft towards the end of WW2 and Nazi Werner Von Braun was indeed responsible for 'Apollo' Rocket Technology after His successful change of Citizenship- and Vocation - from V2 [the first ICBM]Designer to  American 'Hero'.

 [estimated 9000 Britons who died from V2 indiscriminate attacks would think otherwise]

 but Von Braun wasn't the only Nazi imported into the USA. .of much more importance were the instigators of 'Project Bluebird' and other 'Mind Control' LSD usage etc Technology.

Russian 'Mig' Fighter Jets were manufactured in China and sent to Vietnam...but I have covered this earlier in other posts..[Dragonfly Squadron' Movie with Chuck Conners etc]

Fragen ; Beginnen Sie zu verstehen? - a 'Remote Viewer' is a two-way thing, Dude

Apollyon is a horrible winged fiend whom Christian meets after he leaves Palace Beautiful. He tries to persuade Christian to become his subject again. When Christian refuses, Apollyon tries to shame him for his past sins and failures. When Christian isn’t discouraged, Apollyon flies into a rage and viciously fights Christian for half a day.

A 'Pilgrims Progress ?' [Bunyan] guess who wins Dude? 




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