The Goat in Fort Bragg


Anytime you’re dealing with a story involving governments, military, and especially programs that were, at the time, top secret—there’s a lot of room for the unknown.

For our story today, we’re dealing with all three. The government, military, and top secret experiments.

So how do we know any of this at all? Well, the CIA released hundreds of thousands of previously classified documents under Executive Order 12958 from former President Bill Clinton.

That was the basis for Project Jedi.

Just to put this into perspective, Project Jedi was the name of a top secret project inside of a top secret project.

Project Star Gate began in 1990 

after a man name Dale Graff took over as the head of the project at Fort Meade. Both Lyn Buchanan and Mel Riley were still involved on the military side, while Joseph McMoneagle was involved on the purely scientific side.

Along with Lyn, Mel and Joe were Paul Smith, Gabrielle Pettingell, David Morehouse, Ken Bell and people we only know as Greg S., Angela D., and Robin D.

As recently as June 30th, 1995, the Star Gate remote viewing program officially moved from the Department of Defense to the CIA, who immediately canceled it.

                                                          [LSD 'logo']


Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III is a retired Major General in the United States Army with an interest in parapsychology. In fact, he is a proponent of psychic warfare, and was himself involved in MKULTRA and U.S. military projects to create “a breed of 'super soldier'” who would “have the ability to become invisible at will and to walk through walls”.

this Guy was 'Vilified' for claiming that 911NYC  was Pre-planned and that no Plane had hit the Pentagon
see above link/comments

for some 'Jungian' ideas on '911'

Goats Wool 'Pendleton' or 'Cashmere' ?...Dude...Smoke Jumper?... Only the Brave is a 2017 Movie based on the book 'No Exit.. Jeff Mullet Bridges plays .Duane 'Steinbrink'

[what a name.. lol! ] a Parachutist Fire Fighter.. I wonder who Duane really was? because that character name has been used before by Mullet in 'The Last Picture Show'.[1971 Movie].

Pendleton Air Force Base , Oregon...has an interesting History...but that's another Story..

                           Julie-Ann Smith [Moore] is the daughter of  a Paratroop Colonel
 based in? Fort Bragg...[Training includes use of Harnesses etc]

[I suspect She may also have been 'Jewels' 'programmed'  -due to various publicity Photos of 'animal skin underwear ' etc which is a known feature of 'Beta-Alters']

and most of the 'Jokes' from 'Hot Shots' Movie [Memory] are included [re-cycled] such as 'Milking the Whitehouse Goats'...Saddam Hussein etc...Lloyd Bridges
is sadly missed. Dude.

Every Character, in every Movie is fictional.

remember that...

Men who stare at Goats? may perhaps forget that the G-o-a-t is also staring at Them...

getting someone's  Goat is a Phrase that means 'annoyance' or 'frustration'...Dude

  1. a hardy domesticated ruminant mammal that has backward-curving horns and (in the male) a beard. It is kept for its milk and meat, and noted for its lively behaviour.
  2. a lecherous man.
    lecher · libertine · womanizer · seducer · adulterer · pervert · 
    a stupid person; a fool:
    "just for once, stop acting the goat"
    fool · idiot · halfwit · nincompoop · blockhead · buffoon · dunce · dolt 

Cleft Asshole
'Harrington' as a Name has links to a [Mountain]'Goat'...[in N America] and a HARE [Europe]

but 'RIDING THE GOAT' is a 'Freemason' Term about which, I have no idea or interest in.



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