Egypt ; the 'God' with the Testicles [ Dude as Seth ]

This weave of life and after life are common threads and we register our beginnings in an Egypt many aeons past. 
RA is our central Creator symbol. All else derives from here and unfolds.
 It is good to be with ourselves again.
 Kia Manuia

Mereana Taki -keeper of stories

The Egyptian God Seth as a Trickster* [ H. Te Velde ]


 In Radin, Jung and Kerenyi's well-known book about the Trickster, reference is made to a study on the divine deceiver by the Dutch scholar Kristensen. 

In this study Kristensen treats especially the Babylonian god Ea and the Greek god Hermes. 

In passing, he also calls the Egyptian god Seth a divine deceiver. Therefore, it might be thought that I am now elaborating certain suggestions Kristensen published in Dutch in 1928 and earlier. This is not so, however, since strictly speaking trickster and divine deceiver are not altogether identical. 

The divine deceiver as described by Kristensen is an in scrutable deity, whose words and actions are so ambiguous that man cannot help misunderstanding him. 

The trickster, indeed, is not a devil either. Yet he is not an innocent joker. He does not simply raise a laugh - the absurd things he does are killingly funny. 

The trickster takes no account of order or meaning. 

As Kerenyi says, he is "the enemy of boundaries" and "the spirit of disorder' \Now I cannot enter into a phenomenology of the trickster here.

 Obviously, the disorder of a "spirit of disorder" can only show up against an established background of order.

 As we know, the manifold religious and cultural systems of mankind do not always give the same reply as to what constitutes the order of existence.

 For Egypt, we might consider the key word to be maat, ethical and cosmic order.

 It is notable that the Egyptian word khenenu, signifying the opposite of maat that is "confusion", is determined in hieroglyphic writing with the animal of the god Seth.

 In Seth, God of Confusion, I have listed 24 words that are determined with the Seth-animal. They all refer to negative aspects of reality in cosmic, social or personal life such as "storm", "tumult", "illness", things that do not accord with maat. 

In quite a recent publication, G. Posener, Revue d'Egyptologie 18 (1966) 54 I found that also a word meaning "to deceive" may be determined with the Seth-animal.


 The Dutch scholar Sierksma considers a principal trait of the trickster to be immaturity: he is devoid of culture, as yet unformed. 

He is not only ignorant of the difference between good and evil, but also of that between man and woman, right and left, sacred and profane. 

This criterion of being uneducated, taken from primitive cultures, can be very well applied to the Egyptian outlook.

 The ideal Egyptian gentleman is the ger ma-a, the truly modest, literally the silent man, characterised by self-control. 

The ger ma-a knows the rules of etiquette at table and in conversation, he assists widows and orphans, and his behaviour is all it should be. He lives in accordance with maat.

 A familiar theme in Egyptian wisdom literature is the contrast between this gentlemanly ideal of the truly silent man, and the heated * Paper read at the XXVII International Congress of Orientalists, Ann Arbor Michigan, U.S.A. August 13-19, 1967. Original Dutch text translated by Mrs G. E. van Baaren - Pape. 37 38 JARCE 7 (1968) man, one who disturbs the harmony of ordered existence by his foolish speech and unruly conduct. 

Less familiar is the fact that one who is unformed and immature may also be called a shed-kheru. 

Shed-kheru means literally: "to raise the voice" and more generally: "to behave incorrectly", "to make mischief", "to stir up strife", "to kick up a row", "to cause commotion". 

No wonder properly brought up Egyptian officials and priests declare in their ideal autobiographies that they have never committed the actions of a shed-kheru, that they have always reproved these, and indeed that they abhor shed-kheru. 

Once (in the P. Jumilhac) a priest of the god Sobek is called a shed-kheru, but then this Sobek is represented as a Seth who had changed himself into a crocodile.

 I cannot give the name of any human being branded a shedkheru, only of a god, and that is Seth.

 In the great Osiris Hymn Louvre C 286 it is related that Isis has checked the misdeeds of the shedkheru.

 In chapter 39 of the Book of the Dead, Seth rather braggingly reveals himself in the words :

 "I am Seth the originator of confusion who thunders in the horizon of heaven". 

From many other texts also we know that Seth manifests himself in thunder-storms and rain: a troublesome and superfluous phenomenon in the peaceful land of Egypt, irrigated by the Nile.

 Seth was considered to have great physical strength and to be a very rackety personage, as appears in his epithets.

 In the course of history he proves to be especially a lord of foreign countries. As divine stranger he is therefore susceptible to foreign cultural influences. 

Thus he is sometimes represented in exotic costume.

 It is, I think, not out of order here to point out that showy dress and a lot of noise still mark the immature person of our own times.


 After these two passages on Seth as the spirit of disorder contrasted with maat and Seth as the uncivilised shed-kheru contrasted with the ger ma-a, I should like to remark on the three mythological roles of Seth in the myths of Osiris, of Horus and of Re. 

 The most famous, or rather notorious, is the mythological role of Seth as the murderer of Osiris.

 In the theological system of the priests of Heliopolis both Osiris and Seth belong to the Ennead, from which the Horus king, the typical Egyptian gentleman, drew his pedigree. 

The primaeval god Atum had brought forth Shu and Tefnut. This pair produced the following pair: Geb and Nut. From the latter, however, there proceeded not only Osiris and Isis as next pair, but also Seth and Nephthys. 

That Seth originated beside Osiris already disturbs the order whereby each pair of gods engenders one other pair. 

It is related that Seth was not born in the natural fashion, but that he was spat out by his mother Nut. 

One might suppose, then, that Seth's origin and existence is an accident, not in agreement with maat. 

 From the story Plutarch tells of the murder of Osiris by Seth, one can distil the tale of a trickster: Seth plays a mischievous game with Osiris and the gods. It is a game with a chest, which afterwards proves to be a coffin. Seth promises the chest to whom it will fit, and the gods lie down in it by turns. The chest fits Osiris, for of course the god of the dead fits into a coffin. Then Seth unexpectedly runs up, closes the chest, and throws it into the water without any funeral ceremonies. Eternal life was at stake, for that is what the possessor of a sarcophagus may hope for. 

[My Note ; 'Freemason' initiation, also covered by Melville in 'Moby Dick' Late in Moby-Dick, Queequeg becomes very sick with a fever and is certain he will die. The custom at sea is for a sailor to be put into a hammock and thrown into the ocean when he dies, and Queequeg is not at all happy with the idea that this would be his fate. Instead, he would very much like a coffin like the ones used for sailors in Nantucket.]

The prize Seth gave, however, was a miserable death by drowning. Osiris had to die to become what he is : lord of the realm of the dead. 

But Seth gave him a sordid, untimely, hard and disorderly death, as might be expected of a spirit of disorder.

[My Note; SETH - mistakenly THINKS HE HAS REPLACED OSIRIS. 'Dood' is Dutch for Death but how can this be? Death cannot die so in actuality OSIRIS has 'tricked' SETH! who must now take the place of Osiris and be forever drowned in the 'Unconscious' ie 'Identified' with the Archetype]

 The North American Indian trickster also brings death into the world by carelessness.

 In the West Indian Voodoo religion the god Ghede is at the same time the god of death and graveyards, and the divine joker.

 The murder of Osiris is the cruellest joke Seth ever carried out.

 As such, it is never depicted, and the Egyptian texts only refer to Seth's deed in veiled terms. 



 After the death of Osiris, Isis bears the child Horus. Seth, however, is far from appearing as protector of the widow and orphan. He attempts to seduce Isis, and he covets the office of Osiris, whom the earth god Geb had appointed to rule the world. 

Isis rejects him, and does all she can to get Horus proclaimed king of the world.

 Hence arise the disorders between Horus and Seth.

 Since Seth is anything but a royal husband or a sedate family man, his marriage with Nephthys, whose name means ''mistress of the palace", remains a rather formal affair. 

It is at least doubtful whether Seth was ever held to be the father of Anubis, the son of Nephthys.

 Incidentally, Seth is connected with other goddesses: Neith, Hathor and Anat. 

He is a god of exuberant sexual strength : the god with the testicles.

 Sometimes Seth is called hemty, "the womanly man". [HARRINGTON]

 From various texts we know that Seth induced his nephew Horus to take part in homosexual acts.




'HATHOR' IS THE MOTHER [who has 'Cow-Horns' as Symbols]

 I do not only mean that Seth let Horus rob him of the seed of his testicles, but also other homosexual acts, occasionally described in some detail.

 These homosexual actions should not be regarded as a humiliating act of violence, an incident in the fight between the two gods. 

The point is rather that Seth disregards the order of sex because he is the spirit of disorder. 

The North American Indian trickster also transgresses the bounds of sex and is active both heterosexually and homosexually. 

The fruit of the homosexual relation between Horus and Seth is Thoth, the "son of the two lords". 

[Hence 'Sex Magic' etc uses Anal 'Intercourse']

 Their homosexual relations end in a quarrel. Seth is the notorious thief of the eye of Horus. Besides being a murderer and a homosexual, Seth is also a robber. 

 Finally the gods, Thoth in particular, mediate in the conflict. Horus and Seth are separated, and then reconciled to one another, so that they proceed to co-operate for the welfare of the world.

 Every pharaoh, that is man in his quintessence, is a Horus reconciled with Seth, or a gentleman in whom the unformed spirit of disorder has been integrated.


 It has been noticed in the descriptions of tricksters in primitive cultures, that they are often "slayer-of-the-monster". 

Seth, too, is a slayer-of-the-monster. 

This is perhaps his most positive role, in which he is often worshipped and depicted. The cosmos ruled over by the sun god Re is surrounded and threatened by chaos. 

This chaos takes shape as a great, unwieldy, malevolent snake, which attacks the solar barque of Re that transports him across the sky and through the underworld. 

In solar hymns the sun god himself is usually praised as the one who with his fire breathing uraeus-snake keeps the monster Apopis at a distance. 

There is also an inclination, however, to personify and specify the aggression of the sun god towards the monster as a separate deity, who stands upon the prow of the ship and repels the monster by word and deed.

'Liverpool Resurgent' aka 'Dicky Lewis' statue , by Sir Jacob Epstein[pic www.Liverpool]

 Various gods with aggressive characteristics could play this part of solar hero. Especially, however, the Egyptians liked to imagine Seth in this role. For who was so aggressive, who could thunder and kill so well as Seth ? Seth is then called "the chosen of Re". 

The sun god chooses him to make a clamour and to chase away the dangerous snake.

 In the so-called "Contendings of Horus and Seth", the sun god decreed: "give me Seth, the son of Nut, that he may stay with me, being with me like a child and he shall thunder in heaven and be feared". And indeed, Seth is sometimes called not only "chosen of Re", but also "son of Re". 

Thus this suspicious foreigner, this thief, homosexual and murderer is given a fitting place in the divine ordinance.

 Thus he who causes noisy disturbance is accepted as a child of god, of Re.

[My Note; ie becomes an 'Archetype'- remember 'SOL' or 'SUN' is nothing more than a Star in the 'Milky Way' but for primitives it attains Mythical status and like all Mythologems is sub-divided according to ethnic beliefs as Projection

- As 'Archetype' ALL CHARACTERS are 'Dude' Positive or Negative- in other words brought to consciousness via 'Entheogenic' means]


 The god Seth is not exclusively a trickster. 

In several places he was worshipped as god of the city or the nome, while later in the course of the first millennium B.C. he was increasingly cursed as a devil.

 The question in how far Seth is a 40 JARCE 7 (1968) trickster cannot be definitely answered until a phenomenology of the trickster has been written.

 In any case, Seth appears to have five elements in common with tricksters of other cultures

Seth is disorderly and uncivilised; he is a murderer, a homosexual and a slayer-of -the monster. 

 These five elements Seth has in common with the very complex phenomenon of the trickster, suggest that in future studies of the trickster the Egyptian material regarding Seth deserves attention.

 University at Groningen, The Netherlands Literature Th. P. van Baaren, Doolhof der goden (i960) 30 f. F. Sierksma, De roof van het vrouwengeheim (1962) 32 f., 68 fif. W. B. Kristensen, De goddelijke bedrieger, Meded. Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wetenschappen, afd. Letterkunde 6y (1928). P. Radin, The Trickster, with commentaries by C. G. Jung and K. Kerenyi (1956). M. Ramondt, Studien iiber das Lachen (1962). Mac Linscott Ricketts, "The North American Indian Trickster," History of Religions 5 (1966) 327-351. H. te Velde, Seth, God of Confusion, A Study of his Role in Egyptian Mythology and Religion ( = Probleme der Agytologie VI ]


more info ;#Seth is Baal etc

The Egyptians invented Bowling. [and certain Furniture, use of make up/wigs etc as well as Battery Power  THE POLICE and the earliest known Tattoos amongst other things] They were a 'mix' of races-'Cleopatra' probably one of the most famous Egyptians, was actually 'Half and Half', -Half Greek Half Macedonian.. before 'Unification' there were 39 'Ethnic' 'Kingdoms that made up 'Egypt'.

Playing bowling in Ancient Egypt was different than the process applied now. The main target was to hit the hole made in the middle of the bowling lane.

Read more:

Egypt and Cannabis usage is well documented 'Ahken-A ten' [Moses] lol !

So in fact all fictional Characters in Lebowski are one and the same [Archetypal] 'Trickster' entity, Male or Female, Old or Young and They are all a result of Trauma in Childhood- They are not 'the Devil' in the Classical 'Western'  sense of the word -but They contain 'Traits' of each other.

 Dude is a SET-BUILDER with little carpentry skill because He actually was a Theatre Set Construction worker- and We know Actor JEFF 'MULLET' BRIDGES is a very good Carpenter along with other Actors such as Harrison FORD William H Macy etc

 Sobchak was a Pawn Shop Worker/Stunt Person etc

 and interestingly 'Maude' is the 'Check Out' girl in the Ralphs 

because I'm thinking Jeff Bridges' Mum worked in one at one time

 and 'Check' and 'Checkout' are  terms used by Drug Dealers

 as well as the word  'Till' [cash register]which can be shortened to 'Til' [in Germany Til Eulenspiegl is 'Trickster' and means Owl-Mirror in English etc]

 possibly it could be a memory of World-Series Poker player Jennifer Tilly [formerly Chan] who worked on the Movie'  The Fabulous Baker Boys' with old Jeff Mullet. ?

The Egyptian 'Tale of Two Brothers' is in My opinion at work someplace in the Psyche of the Coens

because Judaism has never quite managed to shake off its Egyptian 'Shadow'. 


excerpt; Merenptah is famous for a victory stele that he took from Amenhotep III, in this monument he speaks about his conquests. He mentions “Israel” as a devastated entity of castrated vigor in Hurru (Palestine). Some believe the inscription on the reverse side of the granite stele says “Isrir” and not Israel. “Usu-R-Iar” literally means ‘those who were exiled because of their sins’, a reference to the loyalists of Amenhotep IV expelled from Egypt in the days of Horemheb. It is believed that the followers of Akhenaten settled in Palestine and made an alliance with the Hyksos. This is the mixed multitude mentioned in Exodus 12:38, a crowd of mixed ancestry.

Ancient Greeks are thought to have influenced Egyptian 'Horoscopes' and some 'familiar' figures 'Aries'[Ram] 'Cancer'[Crab] etc find 'form' when 'created' by the 'Unconscious' 

but this 'form' will always contain it's own opposite hence 'Bunny' the fellator is really 'Virgo' and so on.

 It is nothing to do with 'free-will' [and Einstein's  views on this are accurate] it is everything to do with 'Das Seele' .

 So a purely 'Egyptian record of 'Denderah' etc is going to be inauthentic due to 'cross contamination' of other cultures Babylon etc [as noted by Melville]-but at the same time it is paradoxically accurate as human beings all have to eat and the search for sustenance -survival itself -produces common  'Mythologems'

'Blue Whale' is street for Heroin and this Heroin is the 'Monster' that this Classic Trickster must slay- 

not the similar Mammalian Cetacean -Mythic Animal of Melville's 'Moby Dick'-the 'White Whale'

[My note ; all Characters in Moby Dick are also based on 'Trickster' as Melville smoked Hemp so the Author[s] must have read the Book ]

-Hieroglyphic images appear recurrently throughout the text of Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. Whether the marks in question are ancient Egyptian ciphers, Queequeg’s cryptic tattoos, or scars on the backs of whales, Melville claims all are hieroglyphical. 

The Whale as an Object: Examining the Subject/Object Relationship in Herman Melville's Moby Dick]

[If indeed the seeming impenetrableness of the whale’s boundaries is what “tasks” and “heaps” (178; ch. 36) Ahab, then the prison wall, paradoxically, may turn out to be an open door: an open door that joins the two together[from above site pdf]

et cetera.

 Everything is Drug based 'Metaphor' 

[see My 'Drugs are Talking' Post because not everything is Cannabis alone]

SET or SETH or 'SEKHEM' [same Names for same Thing] can 'Imitate' or 'Act-out '- these Traumas and does so very convincingly in all cultures 'Papa  Legba' with His Dog in Voodoo etc

but that's My point...Seth is not a Human Being 'He' is a 'Phenomenon' of creativity [Genesis]

and as such can only 'mimic' -admittedly in a comical manner- other figures from the 'un-constellated'

Universe that 'Jungians' call 'The Collective Unconscious'

If the People involved in the Production of 'Lebowski' think They have somehow 'Summoned' up

a 'Demon' to do Their 'Bidding' -then They are sadly mistaken - for it is the 'Demon' that has 

'Summoned' Them !

 Seth is being used in the 'form' of Mercurius Duplex the 'Shadow Archetype'

to try to bring a kind of resolution to more than one problem in Their respective Psyche-

that has festered away untreated for decades. .this was part of the 'Faustian Pact' that They tried to

dis-guise as a 'Game'...Monopoly...

 'Baal' or 'Ra' is the Sun- and as  SETH turns up shortly later in Judaic Mythology

 in the 'form' of an 'Egyptian Prince' called 'Moses'  ...but that's another Story

 ....where the 'form' changes yet again and becomes? TuBaL 

We’ve been programmed to believe that Ramsses II the great, the son of Seti I, is the pharaoh of the Exodus. Remember that 2014 film “Exodus: Gods and Kings” directed by Ridley Scott? Hollywood made us believe that hard-fighting Ramsses reduced the Israelites to cruel slavery making their life bitter with hard work in mortar and brick. All based on what? On information found in the 2nd book of the Pentateuch. Exodus 1:11 says that a new king in Egypt appointed taskmasters over the Israelites and had them build the supply cities of Pithom and Raamses. Bible scholars associated the location “Raamses” with Ramsses II. Genesis 47:11 says Joseph settled his father Yaakov and his brothers in the region of Raamses, in Goshen.

[from above linked site;]

"Drugs [Hashish Mescaline LSD Opium Heroin] generally speaking bring about a decay in apperception, that is, a decomposition of the conscious synthesis and perception of Gestalts[in the sense of Gestalt Psychology] and thus cause the appearance of the normal perceptual variants-

innumerable nuances of form, meaning,  and value, that normally remain subliminal "


"Did You go to College to get stupid?"

Exodus is the title given to an Old English alliterative poem in the 10th century Junius manuscript (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Junius 11). Exodus is not a paraphrase of the biblical book, but rather a re-telling of the story of the Israelites' flight from Egyptian captivity and the Crossing of the Red Sea in the manner of a "heroic epic", much like Old English poems AndreasJudith, or even Beowulf.

 It is one of the densest, most allusive and complex poems in Old English, and is the focus of much critical debate [Wikipedia]

In recent decades, attention has shifted away from the "heroic" aspects of Exodus to consider its densely allusive structure and possible typologyPeter J. Lucas, for instance, has argued that the poem is an allegorical treatment of the Christian fight with the devil. The Crossing of the Red Sea has been seen as echoing the baptismal liturgy and prefiguring the entrance into Heaven. 

The Pharaoh may be associated with Satan through some subtle verbal echoes.[citation needed]

The Egyptians are seen as being associated with the Devil because they are attempting to keep the Israelites from reaching God. 

In the poem, the Israelites are being led across the path through the Red Sea by a pillar of cloud which is described as a “segle” (sail). Maxwell Luria argues that the sail represents a symbolic sea-voyage. This sea-voyage then represents the Israelites weathering their storm with the help of God's protection.[2] 

The Red Sea is seen as representing baptismal waters and the crossing of the Israelites as the first Christian salvation. 

However, J. E. Cross also argues that the poem is not simply symbolic for baptism, because the “Crossing” also occurs “as a brief illustration together with other examples of saving by water”. He argues that there are too many unrelated events in the poem for it to truly serve as a baptismal allegory. However, the journey of the Israelites in the poem may be taken as a metaphor for the life of man, since life can be “extended…as a pilgrim’s progress on land or as a voyage by sea”.[3] It seems especially possible that this equation was intended when one looks back at the other symbols of stormy weather and salvation. Furthermore, the Egyptians are referred to as “landsmen” while the Israelites are called “sea-faring” and being led by God's “sail,” 

[Hence 'Hibaru' and 'Sea-Pirate' have etymol links...'Pirate' being the etymol root of ?

the Word now known in English as 'VIKING']

Aelfric believed that Egypt represented the world, the Pharaoh represented the Devil, the Red Sea represented baptism, the Egyptians represented sins, and the pillar of cloud represented Christ

Here's a Buck....get a Job You Bum.



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