Same Old Story


Scotistic realism (also Scotist realism or Scotist formalism) is the Scotist position on the problem of universals. It is a form of moderate realism, which is sometimes referred to as 'scholastic realism'.[1][2] The position maintains that universals exist both in particular objects and as concepts in the mind.[3]

The "problem of universals" was an ancient problem in metaphysics about whether universals exist. For John Duns Scotus, a Franciscan philosophertheologian and Catholic priest, universals such as "greenness" and "goodness" exist in reality. This is opposed to the later nominalism of William of Ockham, and the earlier conceptualism of Abelard, which say universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality, or universals don't exist at all (including the mind).[4][5] In addition, Scotus doesn't think that universals exist in some "third realm" or "Platonic heaven", as Plato thought (i.e. Platonism).[6]

In this way, Scotistic realism can be seen as a middle ground between Aristotelian realism (i.e. immanent realism) and conceptualism [wikipedia]

'Duns Scotus' is one of the etymological bases for the word 'Dunce'...

Larry was no Dunce.

its like William of Occam said Dude 'Plurality Should not be posited without necessity' 

but if the 'great God Science' is Your bag? then absolutely nothing is new under the sun..

By studying brain tissue and neurons in vitro, Nakamura, Dryanovski et al. show that cocaine stimulates the release of endocannabinoids via extracellular vesicles. In essence, cocaine causes neurons to synthesize endocannabinoids that are then enclosed within membrane-bound packages. 

These packages – or extracellular vesicles – can then fuse with the cell’s membrane.

 Multiple protein interactions are necessary to permit this extracellular vesicle release, and the authors show that disrupting these control points prevents vesicle release. Functionally, this also disrupts the ability of cocaine to trigger endocannabinoid release and its effects on synaptic transmission in midbrain dopamine neurons.

 Cocaine thus drives endocannabinoid release in the brain’s pleasure centers via the assembly of extracellular vesicles and designing drugs to manipulate the protein interactions that underlie vesicle assembly could provide a new way to counter cocaine addiction.

Interesting stuff.. My researches are  Endocannabinoid related.

Some Cocaine dependents create Artworks that represent Cocaine but in 'dis-guised' form.

One Particular Artwork that I studied was titled 'Toro' and depicted what I perceived to be 'Bull' or 'Buffalo Trace' [Bourbon Whiskey]as the Artist was a known Dope Head/ Alcohol Dependent-but I was wrong. 'Buffalo' is American slang for a Nickel coin and is representative of 'Five' and 'Five' is a cheap bag of Cannabis [5$] . Another Production by the same Artist was titled 'Marcher' and 'Marching Powder'? is British Army slang for ? Cocaine [which could be legally bought in UK up until 1920] 

Why these productions appear as 'cryptic' to the untrained eye sheds much light on the workings of the Psyche 'defensive mechanism' known by Jungians as the  'Mercurius Duplex' [Shadow Archetype] Severe and untreated trauma has produced 'forms' of Characters via Psychologic Techniques such as using Hand Puppets etc in childhood- now brought into adulthood by some very clever individuals.


 'False Prophets' such as Hunter S Thompson [who was a Juvenile Delinquent/ Pederast] seem to influence American kids?

[from 'The Bohemian Grove; Facts and Fiction by Mark Dice]

above extract of a very interesting Book gives some insight into the delusional aspect of certain 'religious' Phenomena. 'Sex Magic[k] etc Homosexual 'Rites' in so-called 'Freemasonry' 11th degree focus on anus Semen etc and so on.
'Jack London' was a member...

Semen Blood Faeces to 'raise Spiritual entities/Demons? see above.

 Pineal 'excretions'- Melatonin or Adrenochromes etc were once known as 'Third Eye' etc and of course were thought to be 'voices from God or Access to Telepathy and so on and if unchecked can lead to extremely inflated ideas.[Anima 'Possession'] In Jungian thought 'Christ' [the 'anointed one'] is considered to be an Archetype of the 'Self'.

Matthew 18:20 - For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

 Put simply if 'God' needs 'replacement with an 'Angel'[fallen or otherwise] that is somehow a better deal for Mankind then Mankind got a poor deal from the beginning. 

By simply refuting 'God' and completely denying everything postulated by 'Prophets' Mankind will always be ignorant of the true 'Self'- the danger of 'Ego-Identification'[inflation] is ever present and in My opinion most 'Prophets' have endured very damaging emotional experiences often made worse through Drug usage.

 If you look directly at the Sun You will be blinded possibly permanently-but if You look at the Sun 'from an indirect angle' with shades etc-You will be more than pleased-either way the Sun does not give a shit what You do. So it is with experience of the 'Self'.


 The 'Shadow' Archetype invariably takes the 'form' of a 
Snake or Reptile

Gnostic/Jewish thought sees this Reptile as 'Dualist' ie YIN/YAN or Male/Female and its interesting
to see how phenomena such as 'Transvestitism' and the Theatre are so closely aligned.[Pan-to-Mime]
alongside other historic religio- fear phenomena such as Stoning 'deviants' to death or forced castration
both of which are covered extensively in the Bible [Eunuchs etc]. 

The Half Jew Homosexual Prostitute  known as Hitler also knew all about Jewish fears. 

American Jews financed His 'rise  to power' but after the 'night of the long knives' and the murder of hundreds of Homosexuals in the Nazi Party little Adolf  reneged on the deal and went full on avenging Angel-of all the Anti-Communist rhetoric was Bull. 

Stalin and Lenin were on very good terms with Capitalist American Bankers- but 'playing both sides has historically been successful - those days are now done .

'Rabble rousing' has had its day.

Jeff did make it to the Semi's. Creedence Clearwater's 'Put a spell on You?'  is over- broken forever.

The Genesis of the Hunter Figure: A study of the Dialectic between the Biographical and the Aesthetic in the Early Writings of Hunter S. Thompson
[Rory Feehan Ph.D. Thesis 2018 Mary Immaculate College]

'Tokyo' is mentioned in the TV Series 'Peaky Blinders' as being a 'stimulant' used to dope 1920's

Tokyo is another UK slang term for Cocaine.

'Hearts of the World' ? or 'Harts of the West?'

DW Griffith ?Hollywood Movies- 'America? ''Intolerance?' 'Way Down East' ...Griffith and 'United Artists' were responsible
for the first 'Academy Awards'.. or 'Oscars'.. careful what You wish for.. Dude.
John Woo, Producer -John Carabatsos Producer etc  lol! You play your games-I play Mine

same shit different day...



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