Sol-Om-On and His Robots

Although 'Halva' is traditionally associated with India and the 'Middle East'- nowadays Candy made with  'Sesame Seeds' and Honey has seen this Confection become  available Worldwide.

 The actual History of 'Sweets' dates back almost 8000 years and is depicted in 'Cave Art' in Spain and   Honey is a Key Ingredient. 

The Mythology surrounding Honey and Apiary in General is Vast

Being the product of the transformation of short-lived pollen-powder into the succulent food of immortality, honey symbolizes the transformation effected by initiation, the conversion of the soul and the ultimate integration of personality. This, in fact, reduces to the oneness of a balanced individual a multitude of disparate elements. Similarly, we remain as ignorant of the processes of that biochemical mutation as we do of the very real but hidden workings of mystic grace and spiritual exercises, which take the soul from worldly dissipation (flitting from flower to flower) to mystic concentration (honey). Similarly, the processes whereby the ego becomes integrated on the road to individuation remain unclear, and this is also true of the transformation achieved by initiation.


The sexual imagery of the Bible in King Solomon’s poetry uses similar expressions. 

In the Song of Songs (4:11), we read: 'milk and honey are under your tongue’.  Later (5:1) the erotic imagery of the feminine or even menstrual, seems even more explicit: “I have come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my myrrh, with my spice; I have eaten my honey-comb with my honey; I have drank my wine with my milk: eat, O friends; drink, yes, drink abundantly, O beloved.”

Enter 'Solomon'...[or 'Suleiman' 'Sulayman' etc but I use English 'Norms'] 

Above Site has information about 'the Robots/Automatons' of the Mythical 'Sol-Om-On'

Interestingly He liked to 'Cruise the Skies' around the 'Kingdom' on a 'Magic Carpet' with a few thousand of His

'Citizens' [see site] and was married to a 'Demon' named 'Naamah'

Naamah was the wife of King Solomon (Mother of All Demons), she was also the mother of King Rehoboam. The meaning of Naamah means “pleasant”. As the daughter of Zillah, she is the sister and half sister of 3 brothers, all founders of an aspect of human culture.[]

I have already shown that 'Naamah' is 'Metaphor' in My 'Drugs are Talking' Post.

'Sol' is of course the Sun and the development of 'Om' is the Etymologic basis of much 'Religio-Symbol' Mythology.. the 'Arc De Tri-OM-PH' in Freemason Central HQ Paris France is an obvious 'Romanesque' Monument to the 'Arc'..

and is much used in Buddhism ..'OM Mani Padme Hum' etc..

[Mani also has connotations with 'Manu'-'Menu' etc.. These are Archaic words for 'God'] 

The 'Tri' I have shown elsewhere in this Blog as being representative of the 'Ego' ie Male

The 'Omphalus' of course is a Memory of Joyce's 'Ulysses' [along with 'Proteus']

it is a Greek word generally accepted as meaning 'Navel' which is found at Delphi the abode of the 'Oracle' and is Symbolised as a 'Conical Stone' said to represent the 'Centre of the World'

- although the similarity to Phallic Symbolism is pretty much Self Evident

Philosophic Speculation of whatever  Origin has a Human Common Denominator.

Karl Marx came from a family of Talmud Scholars..

Vladimir Ilyich Ulanov from a well off Middle Class Jewish background unfortunately became witness to His Brothers execution at the hands of a Czarist Court for 'Treasonous' activity..Ulanov then adopted 'LENIN' as His 'Revolutionary Name' after reading Karl Marx and endeavoured to depose the Czar and install a 'Communist State'.

Marx was influenced by previous Philosophers

Ulanov was used by the German Government in 1917 to try and de-stabilise Russia and

hopefully relieve the pressure [via a Peace Treaty] on Germany from the East in WW1

He was sent in a 'Sealed Train' from Switzerland where He had been 'Banished' through Germany and various Baltic Countries before being stopped at the Finnish/Russian Border by a British Mi5 Officer who knew a week in advance that the Train would be coming His way.

[Ulanov later pronounced a 'Death Sentence' on the Officer involved which was never carried out]

Ulanov had 10 Million Dollars in Gold with Him on the Train provided to Him by the German Government to finance His 'Revolution' and after the unexpected success of His 'Revolution' was known to be on very friendly terms [as was Stalin] with prominent NYC Bankers including JP Morgan etc which seems a little suspicious to say the least as the 'Arch-Enemy of Capitalism' soon set up His own Bank

'Sol-Om-On' is associated with the 'Queen of Sheba' and was portrayed as being 'Wise' but also very rich - 'He' is perhaps lesser known as a 'Demon Capturer' who used a #Ring#

given to 'Him' to capture a 'Wind Demon' with a Symbol now known as the 'Seal of Solomon' [which some think is a replacement for the original 5 point Star it's a 'Decan' thing Dude see Wikipedia etc] and then used this 'Demon' to do His bidding in Building the Temple at Jerusalem.[see Site at top of this Article]

Supposed to have over 1000 Wives or Concubines 'Solomon' became somehow 'enraptured'

by this 'dark Queen' and was intrigued in some Tales of the events by being told She had in fact 

'a Goats Cloven Hoof' for a Foot and 'Hairy Legs' which were unsightly.

 He supposedly laid a 'Floor of Glass' which would fool Her into thinking it was Water? thereby raising Her clothing to avoid a soaking and revealing Her Physical oddities. 

She must have been very trusting or very short sighted ? nonetheless they seem to have 'got it on' and after 'Coitus'

produced many offspring and lived happy but separate lives- Solomon of course had 999 other Vaginas to impregnate and His time was limited.

[CLOVEN FEET ARE 'DEMON' 'DEVIL' ETC 'MARKERS' it appears that Brain Damage usually caused by Drug usage can cause 'Crossovers' in the adjacent areas involved with Genitalia and Feet  ]

Modern Artists sometimes produce works with this Animal Symbolism and many famous Murderers in USA had this 'Cloven Foot' thing

Some speculate that the 'Queen of Sheba' was a SABEAN...and the SABEANS were involved with the Biblical JOB..[stealing His Cattle Killing His Servants etc]..Although its quite a vague History due to lack of documented evidence SABEANS are sometimes described as 'Drunkards' in an effort to 'Sweep under the Carpet' so as to speak these enemies of Israel who nevertheless are still around.

'COME INTO THE GARDEN MAUD' is a Poem by Tennyson 

[a renowned Scruff and Opium Head]]

The 'Robots' [probably wrong word as it is a modern Czech invention] or 'Automata' [Mechanical Movements] were well known in various Mythology as they were often used in Religious Ceremonial/Magic- coupled with Hypnotism- to Bamboozle and confound Gullible 'followers' [Golden Voyage of Sinbad Movie etc]

'Naamah' Sol-Om-On's Wife could be seen as the Moon just as easily as Sol could be seen as the Sun if treated Metaphorically.. Thereby creating a 'Coniunctio' indicative of the unknown Author having a 'Crisis'..

A book on automation, On Automaton-Making, was written by the mathematician-engineer, Hero of Alexandria, and in it he described many of his automatons and self-operating machines. These included hydraulic systems, fire engines, wind-operated machines, and even a self-propelled cart. He also invented a number of war machines. It appears that in Alexandria there was a theatre that consisted only of automatons, who performed dramas for audiences.

And 'Candy' like everything else in the Script is Drug Metaphor..[hence 'Candy Flipper' being Cocaine Dealer ] 'Nose Candy' etc derived from 'distorted' memory- Candy was probably withheld to prevent Poor Dental Hygiene in Childhood [Fat Boy] and so on-

 being perhaps contributory to 'Vagina Dentata' in later years ?


Further evidence that Dalley draws upon includes the fact that the name “Babylon” wasn’t confined to that one city, but instead was applied to several Mesopotamian cities – Babylon meant “Gate of the Gods” and Sennacherib renamed the city gates of Nineveh after gods, meaning it could have been referred to as a Babylon, leading to the confusion of time and place of the Gardens.

All this 'Automata' imagery can probably best be seen in Anaheim California 
in a place called 'The Magic Kingdom'- otherwise known as 'Disneyland' where it is now called 'Animatronics'....

A little 'Foot-Note'

lol...take 'er easy..

Who is it that 'benefits? Dude.. Truman? Roosevelt? 

One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. As we shall see, however, the planning, the leadership and especially the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly from financiers in Germany, Britain and the United States. Furthermore we shall see, that the Rothschild Formula played a major role in shaping these events

[see above site]

Jacob Schiff was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Co. 
He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally
financed Trotsky’s trip from New York to Russia.
 He was a major contributor
to Woodrow Wilson’s presidential campaign and an advocate for passage
of the Federal Reserve Act. (p. 210)

Robots are not necessarily Machines..

Above Book is very interesting....


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