Pool Shark

 New Movie out 'The Requin' [2022] about a Great White Shark in Vietnam.

Wonder what a 'ReQuin' means? so did I.. it's a sort of language variant of the French 'Requiem'

and REQUIEM  apart from being the Classical Music in 'Lebowski' is the Nomenclature given to Members of the Shark Family.. which include 'Carpet Sharks' and 'Big Nose' Sharks [see wiki etc]

[I already covered this in My 'Ancient FishGods' Post]

'Kane' is the Polynesian 'Creator' God who seems to use a lot of Subordinates to do His bidding...

One of these.. is 

Kamohoali’i – The Chief Shark God

Native Hawaiian people are spiritually connected to sharks via mythology (gods and demigods) and ancestral ties (‘aumākua). Ancestral shark gods (manō kumupa’a) were worshipped by many Hawaiians. 

These gods were able to take on many physical forms, including human.


[pic wikipedia commons]    The 'Father of Surfing' Duke Kahanamoku 

a.k.a 'The Big Kahuna'

'HAOLE' is a derogatory Term used by Native Hawaiians for a White Skinned Non Native Person

in fact Hawaii has such an abundance of Marine life 'Sergeant Fish' 'Jacks' even a 'Spanish Dancer'[nudibranch]as well as 'Big Game' Fish Marlin etc the Shark population is sometimes overlooked ...Clams Crabs 'His Rod' all indicate a 'fishy' Tail.. even Walrus! which according to the OED and American Heritage Dictionary originally meant 'Sea Horse' 

[Tolkien speculated that 'Horschwael' 'Horse Whale' the original Norse eventually became Walrus in English] and 'Horse' is street for Heroin.

Herman Melville had much to say about Sharks..

The Maldive Shark

About the Shark, phlegmatical one,
Pale sot of the Maldive sea,
The sleek little pilot-fish, azure and slim,
How alert in attendance be.
From his saw-pit of mouth, from his charnel of maw
They have nothing of harm to dread,
But liquidly glide on his ghastly flank
Or before his Gorgonian head;
Or lurk in the port of serrated teeth
In white triple tiers of glittering gates,
And there find a haven when peril’s abroad,
An asylum in jaws of the Fates!
They are friends; and friendly they guide him to prey,
Yet never partake of the treat—
Eyes and brains to the dotard lethargic and dull,
Pale ravener of horrible meat.

['Dives' has Biblical connotations See Wiki etc and Melville was Expert on the Bible but always had this 'Indian' thing going on in His writings. Jung says much about the 'Remora'[Pilot] Fish in 'Aion']

[from the Book  'Redburn' by Herman Melville]

Besides, of all sea-ports in the world, Liverpool, perhaps, most abounds
in all the variety of land-sharks, land-rats, and other vermin, which
make the hapless mariner their prey. 

In the shape of landlords,
bar-keepers, clothiers, crimps, and boarding-house loungers, the
land-sharks devour him, limb by limb; while the land-rats and mice
constantly nibble at his purse.

Other perils he runs, also, far worse; from the denizens of notorious
Corinthian haunts in the vicinity of the docks, which in depravity are
not to be matched by any thing this side of the pit that is bottomless.

And yet, sailors love this Liverpool; and upon long voyages to distant
parts of the globe, will be continually dilating upon its charms and
attractions, and extolling it above all other seaports in the world.

For in Liverpool they find their Paradise--not the well known street of that
name--and one of them told me he would be content to lie in Prince's Dock
till he hove up anchor for the world to come.


[ Melville was berthed on the Ship 'St Lawrence'  in Liverpool's  Princes Dock next to an 'Indian Merchant Ship' crewed by 'Lascars']

Things have changed! Princes Dock is now filled in- and the site of various Hotels..

Paradise Street is a Shopping Centre and containerisation has made much of the 

smaller docks redundant. These days Cruise Ships call in regularly and passengers

have voted Liverpool a top destination.

Liverpool was 'married to the Sea' [in 1928 complete with ring etc in the manner of a 'Venetian custom'] and as far as I'm aware -was never divorced!..

Carpet Sharks or Nurse Sharks?-Lemon Sharks? or .. Pool Sharks?-Loan Sharks- or Card Sharks ?are all waiting for the careless Surfer...Great Whites are comparatively rare.. but it's all a little 'Fishy'...lol!





Jokes aside 'Shark' has a meaning of 'Hustler' and Hustler is an old word for 'Prostitute'

same as 'Quintana' means Prostitute in some Central American Countries.. 'Rent Boy' is a Male Prostitute'
On the Game' Is a very Liverpool Term for a Cheap Slut of whatever Origin..

'Maud' is a Theatre Term for 'Male Prostitute'.. But My fav is the American Term 'Lot Lizard' 

  • (Noun) A prostitute that frequents trucker stops and parking lots for money.
  • [makes it to the parked up 'semi's']
Shakespearean 'Strumpets' or American 'Gigolos'.. Actors .

 Remember All Characters are fictional[Psychic] 'Projections' given 'Form' by Their Creators.

[the 'Wise Old Woman Archetype has a secondary role as 'the unlikely Hero'

There is nothing 'Divine' about Whores. Very few adopt the 'profession' by choice- The 'Yin/Yan of Mr GO[ttlieb] 

or that Old Song about a 'Hookah' Pipe Smoker? go ask Alice. 


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