Hocus Pocus

Hocus-pocus is a reference to the actions of magicians, often as the stereotypical magic words spoken when bringing about some sort of change.

 It was once a common term for a magician, juggler, or other similar entertainers.

 In extended usage, the term is often used (pejoratively) to describe irrational human activities that appear to depend on magic [wikipedia]

  • Sesame is a reduplication of the Hebrew šem 'name', i.e. God, or a kabbalistic word representing the Talmudic šem-šāmayīm ("shem-shamayim"), 'name of heaven'.[8]
  • Sesame is connected to Babylonian magic practices which used sesame oil 

Open Sesame!

Abracadabra is now more commonly used as a magic word in the performance of stage magic. The word is one of a limited set of words that can be typed in its entirety using the left-handed side of a QWERTY keyboard.

not forgetting!

The Sator Square (or Rotas Square) is a two-dimensional word square containing a five-word Latin palindrome. It features in early Christian as well as in magical contexts. 

The earliest example of the square dates from the ruins of Pompeii, and is attributed by some scholars to Jewish or Mithraic origins

[pic wikipedia]

Spinoza’s first published work was a systematic presentation of the philosophy of Descartes, to which he added his own suggestions for its improvement.

 The Principles of Descartes’s Philosophy (1663) contain many of the characteristic elements of his later work, but Spinoza seems to have realized that a full exposition of his own philosophical views would require many years of devoted reflection. 

In the meantime, he turned his attention briefly to other issues of personal and social importance. The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (A Theologico-Political Treatise) (1670) is an examination of superficial popular religion and a vigorous critique of the miltant Protestantism practiced by Holland’s ruling House of Orange. 

Spinoza disavowed anthropomorphic conceptions of god as both logically and theologically unsound, proposed modern historical-critical methods for biblical interpretation, and defended political toleration of alternative religious practices.

 Christians and Jews, he argued, could live peaceably together provided that they rose above the petty theological and cultural controversies that divided them.


'Legerdemain' or 'Prestidigitation' means pretty much the same thing- Trickery

in fact 'Magician' also means 'Monkey Business'...


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