Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Wa...


The Fun Facts: As mysterious as the song itself, there are a number of stories floating around as to how Newbury came to write what may be the first psychedelic country song. It’s not an anti or pro-drug song, it just is what it is, claims Mickey, who said, “I wrote this number one night after waking up in hell.” Seems that back in the 60s, when the man was still struggling, he frequently found that he didn't have enough gas money to take him from one gig to another. When that would happen, which was more often then he’d like to consider, he would jump a freight train and ride for free. Out past Beaumont, Texas one night, while jumping a boxcar, he swung back, hit the side of the car, fell and fractured his back. It was the middle of the night when he found himself in the hospital in relentless pain, despite being given copious amounts and types of pain killers. While this pharmacopeia didn't stop the pain over the next few days, it did induce a series of cinematic dreams and wayward hallucinations. “Just Dropped In” was the result of several painful nights deeply under the influence, a true to life tale.

[from above linked site]

Harlequin Melodies was the result of this hippie-cowboy stringing together some of his old songs that had been made famous by others, along with some new ones, in the hopes of resurrecting his musical career, all while rebelling against the conservative conventions and structure of the Nashville music scene, with friends like Kris Kristofferson and Townes Van Zandt.

Mickey is said to have disowned this album that made nothing more than a few ripples, feeling that it was a false start, that Looks Like Rain more aptly represented his nature. Largely the album was entirely overproduced and laden with far too many shifting melodies and tempos, along with instrumentational touches that were disorienting and distracting … but this was 1968, the recording studio was a wide open adventure, with folks seeing what worked and what didn’t. 

                                                               'Lounge Lizard'...[Bunny]memory?

Dude is or was a big 'LED ZEPPELIN' Fan...
and like the Old Band was an 'inflated' Name full of Hot Air or Gas....'Black Dog' 'Stairway to Heaven' 'The Ocean' etc.. 'Dazed and Confused' 'Wild Beach Party'
are some of Their Tracks.. There are many more...Bonham the Drummer suffered from Stage Fright
Jimmy Page was an 'Occultist'/into 'Magic' etc the Band Themselves were accused of Music Plagiarism 
by Jimmy Hendrix.. Originality was in short supply..at one time They considered changing Their name
to 'THE KNOBS'...Jeff Lebowski would have fitted right in

LEONARD COHEN and His 'Bird on a Wire' Lyrics...[Maude]memory?



If You go to linked Site above- [Click On or Put in Browser]
There is some Information about LSD and the 'Dream State' of a Heroin Smuggler in Tahiti
which I found to be very Educational...Guys in 'Rowing Boats' etc
combine this with some Street 'Info'.. 

LSD is seldom used for LSD! instead 'Code Words' are used

https://www.findnicknames.com/lsd-nicknames/   'Alice'  'Ying Yang'  'Zen' ...[See Site].. .

'Blue Chair' 'Flying Fish' etc.. even 'Coffee'..
and  remembering
Lloyd Bridges introduced Son Jeff to LSD 'Pioneer' Dr Lilly...it perhaps makes sense?- knowing 'the Brotherhood' in California were responsible for the distribution of 'Lucy'- to see how Hollywood 'wanted a Piece of the Action'...Lloyd lost Millions after unwittingly becoming the fall Guy in a 
'Ponzi Scheme' He advertised on TV for a Company called 'Diamond-Obie' [in 1986] 

LSD is originally derived from a Fungus [Fun-Gus get it Karl?]and Jewish Science has long known about 'Ergot' Fungal Spores being Poisonous-after the 'Holocaust' many Jewish Victims tried to Poison the Bread supplies of their former Nazi Camp Guards with 'Ergot'..[see web]and these Guys were ordinary People-not Scientists- Here in Liverpool Jewish Bakers were Highly Esteemed for Their Quality and expertise They were truly Fabulous Baker Boys once..

'Dropping in' is Street for LSD but as 'The Big Lebowski' is just a Cheap Visual Imitation 

'Home Made' 'Lemon Drops' etc are more likely
the Narcotics that were used to disguise the Heroin
.. and LSD brought it back to Consciousness via



Their 'opposites' are found in the other Characters 'Smokey the 'fragile Pacifist' etc.

But it is We-the Audience- who bring Their Personality to life via Our own Beliefs/Intelligence
[and the ability of the Scriptwriting which derives from the Theatre.- So the 'Theatre/Stage' is where
all these Characters have Their origin.]

Jung believed the awareness of very young children exists only as ”islands” of consciousness in an anarchic or chaotic state.  It then evolves into the development of an ego-complex (which he characterized as a monarchic or monistic stage).  Finally consciousness develops into a divided, or dualistic state (he wrote: ”the inner division with one self, arises when, side by side with the series of ego-contents, a second series of equal intensity comes into being . . we might call it another second ego which can on occasion even wrest the leadership from the first” (p. 391).

'DEEP PURPLE' [The Band] had the 'Title' World's Loudest Band ...maybe Duder's Ears got damaged
listening to 'Black Knight' 'Woman from Tokyo' etc? who knows?

['Knight' -as in the Chess Piece is 'Horse' in Greek and Horse is Street for Heroin
see My 'Drugs are Talking Post]

Checkout? is Street for 'Drug Stash' in fact every facet of the JEWEL OF ASIA is flawed and worthless.

'GO' is an Ancient Chinese Board Game- I've never played it but suspect some Lonely Rich Kid may have-Mister. 'Rummy' 'Gin' 'Poker'[Texas Hold 'Em] and even 'Happy Families' Card Games..

 'Fat Freddy's Cat' was a Comic  Book in 1969..'Does the Pope Shit In the Woods' is a line used in one Edition..[see web]

Checkmate is  a term used in the Game of Chess -as all Jewish People know- but You play Your Games I play Mine.. Chess bores Me Shitless- but Checkmate anyway-I'm gone..-Game Over.

'That's My Robe' is a line from 'Beaches' [1988 Movie] with the Phenomenal Bette Midler- in fact a lot of 'Oscar'
Winning /Nominated Movies are Unconsciously included [as I posted in My 'Introduction' Post]
Second Hand Rose indeed.


Originally written for-but 'vetoed' by Jerry Lee Lewis, this Version was covered by Kenny Rogers and 'First Edition'
although Rogers did not do Vocals ['Hippy Kenny' was the Drummer]

Kenneth or 'Kenny' [as He became known ] had an ATP Tennis listing and was in His own words
'Obsessed' with Tennis- He also must have liked the Eagles as He roomed for a time with Don Henley
and was amused by a Website that was called 'People who look like Kenny Rogers'..
Probably best known for 'The Gambler' He was always willing to try new kinds of Music.

The 'Beat' came from Hal Blaine the Drummer on 'Good Vibrations'..

interesting...Drummers keep cropping up....but LSD is the 'Theme' ..Dude..

Maybe Jeff knew Drummer Mickey Jones?

The bearded Jones would often play a biker or criminal type in movies and television shows.
Jones portrayed marijuana dealer Rodney ‘Hot Rod’ Dunham on the FX series “Justified.” 

[from comments section of above linked site]

Mickey Newbury was inspirational to Many American Musicians including Kris Kristofferson
and is on the Nashville Songwriters 'Hall of fame'

I have already posted about Country Musicians influencing the Script. 

Jeff Bridges must have extensive Knowledge of the Genre. 'Crazy Heart' the Oscar winning Movie
sees Jeff playing the Part of 'Bad Blake' [Waylon Jennings Caricature]

[another disguised recall of His Infant Programming finding 'form'-

          Jeff Bridges wears His 'Heart on a Sleeve' when it comes to Music.. 

Jeff  improved vastly as a Singer but  Its not the Singer it's the Song.. His Song Writing is pretty good
these Days and He always was a good Musician- I'm thinking He just picked the wrong Songs to Record
in the early Days and was obviously in some 'Bad Company' who probably massaged His Ego before
ripping Him off in some kind of Music Deal.

 Depression Sufferers have Historically sometimes used Weed-but the 'Relief' is Temporary.. and
it can cause other undiagnosed 'Personality Problems' Psychosis etc if overused

Some Russian Literature would drive anyone to Drink.. if You ever managed to finish reading it- 
Overlong Dark Morbid Shit same as Joyce Proust etc.. FFS...Heroin / Opiates?  don't Kid a Kidder...

Jelly Fish in Dreams indicate frustrated Emotions...


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