Canned Beans

Before the summer he founded The Doors, he had been living on canned beans and LSD for several months.


I used to like listening to this as I drove around Liverpool's deserted Streets at 4 am....I even thought the Guy
was Poetic.. but...It's not quite original.. just the Drugs Talking..
arrested for Onstage Masturbation in Miami.. Morrison obviously had untreated problems...

Pythagoras the Greek Philosopher advised against eating Beans.. ha hah...some People never learn..
in the 'Square World'...Man..

Morrison was somewhat 'confused'

Above Site mentions 'Dolphins'....and as I have shown in earlier Posts

Dolphins are amongst the few Marine Mammals that Masturbate- something Old Mullet well knows..
He may not know that Dolphins also Commit Suicide [see link below]

Above Site discusses [in English] Morrison's Poetry and is valid but does not take into account the
significance of Drug influence [I covered that on My other Blogger Years ago..]

Something else began to interrupt the study. Lilly had been researching the mind-altering powers of the drug LSD since the early 1960s. The wife of Ivan Tors, the producer of the dolphin movie Flipper, had first introduced him to it at a party in Hollywood. “John and Ivan Tors were really good friends,” says Ric O’Barry of the Dolphin Project (an organisation that aims to stop dolphin slaughter and exploitation around the world) and a friend of Lilly’s at the time. “Ivan was financing some of the work on St Thomas. I saw John go from a scientist with a white coat to a full blown hippy,” he remembers.

For the actor Jeff Bridges, who was introduced to Lilly by his father Lloyd, Lilly’s self-experimentation with LSD was just part of who he was. “John Lilly was above all an explorer of the brain and the mind, and all those drugs that expand our consciousness,” reflects Bridges. “There weren’t too many people with his expertise and his scientific background doing that kind of work.”

In the 1960s a small selection of neuroscientists like John Lilly were licensed to research LSD by the American government, convinced that the drug had medicinal qualities that could be used to treat mental-health patients.

with thanks to;

I can't help wondering how did Lloyd know about this ? The Wife of Ivan Tors was Constance Dowling and She was apparently the long term 'Lover' of Elia Kazan in NYC before leaving for Hollywood.[see Wikipedia] KAZAN was a Member of the Communist Party For nearly 2 Years and is famed for being a 'Whistleblower' in the HCUA hearings.[see Wikipedia etc]

Tors -like Carl Jung -was a former OSS Man[forerunner of CIA] .

Kazan was accused of attempted rape by Irish Actress Carol Drinkwater in 1975 and as stated was a married Man when He was banging Dowling-  He was given an award by RONALD REAGAN who also had a History of 'infidelity' having banged DORIS DAY and no doubt many others

So How and Why? did Dowling get hold of LSD?

St Thomas is a nice Island I've been there a few times..

but there's no place like Home...

                                                                  Lloyd in 'Seahunt' TV Series

I  have in earlier Posts already pointed out that 'Poisoned Crabs' from 'Tideland' in California are detrimental to 'Crabcake' eaters.

I have in earlier Posts already pointed out that 'Drunk Driving' 'DUI' is responsible for unresolved Anger being dis-guised as the impact of Bowling Balls against 'Pins' [Human Legs]being 'Visual Metaphor' for a Car Crash causing Crippling Injury through 'Speed' [Amphetamine] and non Proficiency on the part of the Teenage Driver leading to Wheelchair incapacity of a Senior Citizen but its done now .

'Beany' hats and 'Beaners' being a derogatory term used by certain Americans in regards to the Hispanic population along with 'Chinaman' etc indicate historic ethnic prejudices.

 here's the kicker...Jeff  is 'The Fisher King'- not the 'Shock Jock'...who just needs to realise

'The Door in the Floor' leads nowhere .

and 'Jack' will put You in a deep dark hole...

canned laughter...



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