The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

Joan Baez' version of 'The Band's' song enjoyed more success in the charts.

Wikipedia explains that
The song was written by Robbie Robertson, who spent about eight months working on it.[4] Robertson said he had the music to the song in his head and would play the chords over and over on the piano but had no idea what the song was to be about.' 

So You see? the song was  always there someplace in the undifferentiated Psyche- only with the help of a fellow Band Member who came from Arkansas did Robbie finally see what the song was really about...
The Freemason Civil War .

Millionaire's Son Friedrich Engels was Co-Author of 'The Communist Manifesto' with 
Karl Marx. 

Engels was involved in the failed 'Anarchist' uprising in Europe in 1848, and
was sent by His Father to Manchester, UK to oversee the family Cotton Business and get Him out of the Country in case of arrest. 

Engels was also a contributor to 'Das Kapital' and advised Marx on a lot of Economic Terminology as He was a Member of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, which dealt with the Liverpool Chamber on  a daily basis. When the Freemason Civil War began, Cotton Traders were in a State of panic in UK
but strangely, had stockpiled large quantities of raw material 'just in time'.
The Bankers for the Cotton Trade were Fraser Trenholm and Co. and They became the unofficial
'Bankers for the Confederacy'.. Their Offices on Liverpool's Water Street are still there today. IN THE MOVIE 'GONE WITH THE WIND' the Character 'Rhett Butler' tells 'Scarlet' that His 'fortune' [probably from Slavery] is 'in Liverpool' and He can't get to it...Margaret Mitchell [a known Racist]wrote the Fictional 1861 Tale in 1936 whilst recovering from a Car Crash...

Engels was a 'Freemason' and provided Marx with funds.
'The Condition of the Working Class in England' a Book By Engels became very influential- and for its time was one of the first truly accurate Social Studies-there is still economic division in England but the Manipulation of Public Opinion by the 'Controllers' of the Media has somehow maintained the 'Status Quo' which is fragile.. very fragile

In the Freemason Civil War in USA, Southern Property Owners with Freemason Insignia on
Their Buildings etc were not destroyed by the 'Union'- They were left untouched in a 'Gentleman's Agreement' 

.....Kentucky is the Birthplace of Bourbon American Whiskey 

 My City, Liverpool  UK, was heavily involved with the 'South'.. many buildings with 'Confederate'
History, still stand -including 'Bulloch House' which was the 'Embassy' [for Agents involved with
'Blockade Runners' being Commissioned]. There are many more places of interest-including Bulloch's Grave etc- JAMES DUNWOODY BULLOCH was related to THEODORE ROOSEVELT

The first US Consul to be based in Liverpool [In what was Washington Parade] was Nathaniel Hawthorne the Author of  'The Scarlet Letter' etc
.. Herman Melville who dedicated 'Moby Dick, or The WHALE'..
to His more famous Contemporary ..also came here before visiting France, the 'Levant' and Italy..

Bourbon in France and History? Dude...

[See Codex Borbonicus Wiki in My 'Introduction' Post]

 Dude is Bourbon as Symbol...But every Character has Alcohol 'Connections'. Even 'Maude' 
['Death in the Afternoon' Cocktail?] and the 'Big Lebowski?' with a hot Poker?[Poker Face Cocktail?]

'Donny' is 'Neat' Bourbon ,Sobchak is Vodka fact if You look at the Drinks pictured above 
its easy to 'Assign' a Character with a 'Derivative' form of ..Alcohol

Jeff is associated with Kentucky, Horses etc [Brown Derby- see Pic above] and 'Mules'...
[hence 'Seabiscuit?]

As for Me? all I ever wanted was to understand America's greatest Author a little more.
.I already knew
Hemp was intrinsic to His works but never realised just how important Alcohol was in His creations
especially 'Pisco' from Peru, shipped to Europe in Clay containers sealed with Beeswax as there were
no Glass bottles available at that time..

Herman Melville's 'The Confidence Man' remains Enigmatic and His 'Masquerade' 
etc led me to Study Mexico and its Mythology -Everything is 'Interlinked'..

At sunrise on a first of April, there appeared, suddenly as Manco Capac at the lake Titicaca, a man in cream-colors, at the water-side in the city of St. Louis.

Con Men in America ..are nothing new.. and just because a person has a hearing impairment is no reason to think They are any less important. I take great offence at anyone who thinks otherwise.

“The sky slides into blue, the bluffs into bloom; the rapid Mississippi expands; runs sparkling and gurgling, all over in eddies; one magnified wake of a seventy-four. The sun comes out, a golden huzzar, from his tent, flashing his helm on the world. All things, warmed in the landscape, leap. Speeds the daedal boat as a dream.”
― Herman Melville, The Confidence-Man



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