Helter Skelter


Pyromania has been associated with people who have been sexually or physically abused, or suffer parental neglect or abandonment. People who have a history of crime also tend to display more fire-setting tendencies.


This above ...from This below?

                            pic; https://www.historyofliverpool.com/liverpool-world-war-two/

MUSIC is more than 'Good Vibrations!'...I never liked the 'White Album'...

"I Am the Walrus" was also inspired by the Lewis Carroll poem, "The Walrus and The Carpenter." Lennon was later dismayed as he found out that the Walrus in the poem is in fact the villain, who represented capitalism.


There are references to 'Shakespeare' [King Lear] and a lot of other stuff in that Tune...

I remember talking about 'King Lear' with now deceased Actor Peter Postlethwaite who was a Passenger in My Cab and Performing the Role onstage in Liverpool to 'Rave Reviews' , like Me He liked His Beer, loved Liverpool FC and knew a 
thing or two about Literature..
after all We went to the same School.. and  He once played a 'Taxi-Driver' Role.. take a look at His
'Wiki' entry..-Spielberg called him 'The Best Actor in the World'...He died from Testicular Cancer in 2011

funny really what you can Chat about, LEON TROTSKY came up in the conversation. .not too many 
people know that Trotsky's Russian Secretary was married to Author Arthur Ransome and They lived up the road  from Me in the Lake District in Coniston [ once went there to revisit and covered it in My
'Beatrix Potter' Post]  TROTSKY took 25 hrs before He died after getting Stabbed in 
the back of the Head by an NKVD Stalin Agent with an Ice-Pick in DIEGO RIVERA's house in Coyoacan Mexico City! ..Kinda 'Ironic' lol..
yep FRIDA KAHLO the Bi-Sexual Abortionist/Syphilitic  Artist and Husband Rivera were both Communist Party Members and lived in that Blue House where Trotsky's Tomb sits to this day.. She was a 'Dream Image' Type
of Artist and almost certainly used many Cocaine/Opiate Painkillers after a crip-sorry Disablement
incurred after a terrible accident...yep funny what You talk about in Cabs sometimes.. it's all in the 
past now and who would have believed Stalin and Lenin were Bank Robbers? 
[murdering 40 innocent people and several Horses in the botched Job] who would believe anything 
from the mouths of that pair of Gangsters ? In 1936 Stalin Shafted the Republican Government in Spain-
taking a load of gold off the saps before sending Them obsolete weapons..no wonder George Orwell
[real name Eric Blair]
[who lived up the road from Me in Wigan] wrote 'Animal Farm' as a kind of literary 'Protest' ...
Napoleon lol! Stalin of course went on to a spectacular career of  inhumanity..

Take 'Er Easy Dude ..lol!..

 'Shakespeare of the North' in Prescot Nr Liverpool..https://www.shakespearenorthplayhouse.co.uk/

                            the means 'justify'...         THE END.

[P.s. The Bowling Alley was a Distribution Centre for the Cocaine which was hidden inside the Bowling Ball before being distributed- but obviously I'm not a Golfer -which is Street for Cocaine User-
and the Head in Toilet thing is a humorous skit on Baptism as well as a busted flush -take another look]


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