Gary , Indiana



Gary a Town in  Indiana has several 'Nicknames' - 'The Magic City' or 'America's Crossroads' etc.

Michael Jackson and family [Jackson 5 Musicians]once lived here when it was a thriving 'Steel Town' 
but these days it is a shadow of its former self.. The Territory of Indiana  got its Name from the Freemasons who claimed it for the US Government- Gary was the Surname of some Millionaire Dude
who developed the Steel Industry-most of the Town is now owned by Korean Car makers such as Hyundai.

'Indian' as a Word in English has various meanings -in Asia the River Indus was the Boundary of Britain's Colonial  'Empire' and Lands in the vicinity were called 'India'.

The 'Dutch East India Company' virtually controlled all Asiatic Commerce at one time and a Route via the 'North West Passage' from Europe to Asia was unsuccessfully sought for -by Competitor Europeans.
The 'Hudson Bay Company' pretty much controlled all Commerce with North America and it is They who decimated the resources with little thought for the future-Beavers were ruthlessly Hunted..

The Indigenous Peoples of North America were called 'Indians' as a result of mistaken Mariners who thought America was India.

But American Indians were no 'Savages'- They were highly developed Cultures who lived in harmony with Nature and had ART etc long before the real 'Savages' arrived with Columbus.

'Chanvre Indien' is a strain of Cannabis but confusion in Hypnotic recall would result in many 'unseen'
'Indian' references- 'Sioux City' or 'Varanasi?' ..

Larry Sellers [see IMDB] was a Native American Stunt person...

Hold on.. wasn't 'Hulk Hogan' a Walrus Moustache wearing Pro-Wrestler? and isn't a 'Hogan' something a Navajo would live in? or am I wrong? wonder SWEATY JEFF wears those ridiculous Pants.. lol! 

'Polaris' is both the North Star and the American HQ of the INDIAN MOTORCYCLE COMPANY..

'Geronimo' I have covered elsewhere...
'Huron' Native American 'Tribe'..
'Cree' etc...there is this 'Indian' thing permeating a lot of Holywood Productions..
'TAXI DRIVER' Movie has Bob  De Niro sporting a 'Mohican' Hairstyle ? driving around Garbage strewn NYC...later  adopted by many dis-illusioned  European 'Punks' and 'Copy Cat' Asians etc
[Punk Rock is famous for Mohicans and the EMERALD True]

but wtf do I know about 'Chindi' Dood? I'm a Taxi Driver...Feathers have various 'Spiritual' connotations-I used to collect them at one time- but have You ever tried writing with a 'Quill?'.. it takes patience..

I wonder what old Mullet's 'Tribal Name' was? 'Squatting Coyote Fleabag?' or 'Buffalo Shit that sits in Wood Bowl' lol!  ..

If Your Mother was mentally unstable-chances are-You will have been affected too..

Buddhists say the 3 'POISONS' are represented as the Rooster the PIG and the Snake ..but that's another Story...'Generation of Swine' on  'Proud Highway' as dead Pederast Hunter S Thompson would

                     Buffalo Springfield? covered this Neil Young Tune below...
                             mmm not sure which version is preferred? but that a Gretsch? or a Gibson?
He is known for His 'Old Black' but I can't tell? who cares about Gary anyway?



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