Return of the King


[Marc Chagall]

THE 'THEATRE OF THE ABSURD'  is a 'Genre' that examines 'Nihilism' amongst other Topics from 'Philosophic' point of view. Most proponents of this 'Meaningless' Absurdism are dead French Criminal Homosexuals, although other Nationalities have Their 'Exemplars'. Albert CAMUS [The 'Stranger']Eugene IONESCO [Le Rhinocerus] Brendan BEHAN [the Quare Fellow] Jean GENET ,Jean Paul SARTRE etc etc 

The ridiculous, purposeless behaviour and talk give the plays a sometimes dazzling comic surface, but there is an underlying serious message of metaphysical distress. This reflects the influence of comic tradition drawn from such sources as commedia dell’artevaudeville, and music hall combined with such theatre arts as mime and acrobatics. At the same time, the impact of ideas as expressed by the SurrealistExistentialist, and Expressionist schools and the writings of Franz Kafka is evident.

of course its all a load of Criminal Spoilt Brat Gay Theatrical SHITE.

True Philosophy is based on Greek Precursors-the most famous of these being 'PLATO'.

Plato writes on the immortality of the soul frequently and in various places. However, his most direct approach and detailed analysis can be seen in Phaedo. In it, in the last hours before his death, Socrates talks with his friends before drinking the poison he was ordered to take by the Athenian judges. In this dialogue, Plato explicitly comes up with five arguments for the immortality of the soul. All of them are logically correct and correspond to Plato’s metaphysics and epistemology. That’s why, first and foremost, it’s essential to take a look at his metaphysics and epistemology.

Let’s take a look at Plato’s metaphysics first—the study of Being. According to Plato, ideas are the ultimate objective Being from which the world is created. The ideas, says Plato, are eternal, not man-made, perfect, and immortal. For example, any single mother is mortal, but the idea of a mother is immortal. 

The idea keeps on living even after the death of the material thing that correlates to the idea.Furthermore, ideas do not exist in the same world as material things do. Even though material things come into existence as a direct cause of the ideas, they do not coexist in the same realm.

 Instead, they have a world of their own—the world of ideas. 

The world of ideas, or as Plato called it, topos hyperuranios, is an ideal world, located above the sensory-sensual (material) world. 

The ideas fall from the realm of ideas into the material world, which is how the world we live in is created. The material world is a copy of the world of ideas.

[thanks to Antonio Panovski from article Nov 2023]


William Godwin was an early proponent of anarchism. How did he argue for this controversial political philosophy?

Godwin lived most of his life as a bachelor. However, he eventually married Mary Wollstonecraft, a famous early advocate of feminism and author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1752). This attracted much condemnation, mostly because Godwin had been a lifelong fervent critic of marriage. Although they married, their relationship was unconventional. William and Mary did not share a home, moving into two adjoining homes instead so that both could retain their independence. This arrangement, however, did not last long, as Mary died shortly after the birth of their daughter, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, who would later go on to write the novel Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus (1818).

Like other anarchists such as ProudhonBakunin, and Kropotkin, Godwin advocates the abolition of the state. Godwin argues that government corrupts both those who govern and those who are governed, aggravates social inequalities, and perpetuates ignorance and dependence.


Godwin’s anarchism is premised on the view that all humans are morally equal (Honderich, 1995, p. 321; Horowitz, 1964, p. 106), by which he means that we are all equally valuable from the moral point of view and, therefore, all have to follow the same rules of moral conduct. As a consequence, Godwin rejects artificial hierarchies such as those based on rank, noble birth, or wealth, which grant some privileges and rights which are not extended to all.

Godwin’s work also drew the attention of young radicals of the time, catapulting him into fame amongst the young intellectuals in London at the turn of the 18th Century. Of particular note was Godwin’s influence on the founding fathers of the British romantic movement, including the poets William Woodsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Percy Bysshe Shelley, who would later go on to marry his daughter Mary. His influence on Shelley was particularly deep (Sabine, 1948, p. 625). Godwin’s thought serves as the inspiration for a number of Shelley’s poems and plays, including Ode to LibertyThe Masque of Anarchy

Not all were enamored by Godwin. Perhaps the most famous critic of Godwin’s work was the economist Thomas Malthus. In fact, rebutting the central contentions of An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice was the motivation for Malthus’ most famous work, An Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society. In his essay, Malthus took issue with Godwin’s unwavering belief in the power of technology to ensure rising living standards. Contra Godwin, Malthus argued that the population will always tend to increase more rapidly than our capacity to grow enough food to feed everyone. The utopian society described by Godwin is impossible unless society imposes strict limits on reproduction. Given that this would be near impossible in a world without centralized authority, Godwin’s proposal is doomed to fail.



Plato comes up with the second argument about the immortality of the soul from his epistemological postulates. Knowing is remembering, according to Plato, and the soul remembers the knowledge it had before it was born, in its pre-existence in the world of ideas. Furthermore, he claims that the soul is only capable of having knowledge of concepts before it was born into the body. If this testifies that the soul existed before the birth of a body, then it will exist after the death of the body as well.


Plato conducts the third argument about the immortality of the soul from his premise about the very nature of the soul—the idea of the unity of the soul. He says that the soul is simple, not complex, and not made out of multiple parts. That which is simple and unified cannot cease to exist and decay into the smaller parts from which it is constituted. Because of that, the imperishable soul is immortal. The soul is similar to the ideas in this regard: they do not have any parts as well, and because of that, they are imperishable too.

So everything You just read You already knew.. get it? What? You never saw an ELVIS Movie? or heard Him sing? ha time You 'Push Your Soul in Deep Dark Hole'-remember You 'ain't' getting out lol!...because everything You find there-is You.

You can apply this 'Idea'  to any Movie from this 'Platonic' point of view [NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN]...but Plato is only a start.. there's another couple of Thousand Years and the small matter of the appearance of  'CHRIST' but hey arguing just gets You know where lol..

What's My point? PROMETHEUS COMPLEX is My 'Diagnosis' of Jeff and to understand this You have to understand the Concept of 'MYTHOLOGEMS' such as Prometheus- the COLERIDGE Poem contains the Word 'KHAN' ...and KHAN I have shown is related to 'EndoCannabinoid' 'Imbalance' [in the Brain where 'Rivers' 'Gihon' is one of the Four Rivers out of 'Eden']

[see My 'One Idiot To Another' Post] Poetry is indicative of Emotion/Feeling look again at what Coleridge was trying to say.. 'Ice' 'Alph' etc...He supposedly fell asleep reading a Book about Marco Polo before coming up with the 'Idea' of Xanadu] 'Citizen Kane' has something about 'Ice' too.. Dude

Sledges Buds and  Xanadu..?


They really were 'NASO's Dude -until some smart Jewish Guy started calling them 'NAZI's 

...Konrad Heiden to be specific- He also claimed Hitler was another 'Carpet Pisser'... 

look for the ones who benefit.. someone paid for Hitler's 'Zones of Interest'...Dude

Wittgenstein's Family had a sad History;

but  They did own most of the Industry and Steel Production etc of the Austro-Hungarian Empire...

good 'Burgers?' Dude? 'Burger=CITIZEN in German. Maybe 'National Socialism' is an 'Ethos?' after all? who knows? or gives a shit anyway?..



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