Gary Busey


Interesting depictions in that interview above- the Classic 'Grim Reaper' Archetype etc. 
and a  
'choice' to 'go back'  and 'fulfil destiny' given to Gary -not everyone gets to choose..

Gary Busey and Jeff 'Mullet' appeared in 'Thunderbolt and Lightfoot' 

[1974 Written and Directed by Michael Cimino]

Freud in His 'Thanatos' Theorem depicted the 'Grim Reaper' as ? Greek. [Thanatos is Greek for Death]

“For some days the writer was utterly miserable, and felt himself back in the time when he was a small helpless child expecting his genitals to be clipped off the next moment” he writes, “and he never felt so completely lonely and lost in the world before”.

E. Pickworth Farrow, 1925, “A Castration Complex” International Journal of Psychoanalysis Vol 6 pp45-53)

Freudian 'Micturition' 'Mother Complexes' 'Foot Fetishes' 'Castration Complexes'

cannot hide the fact that 'Cain' was a Murderer from the beginning.

If Mullet or a close Family Member was indeed Epileptic as I have previously postulated

[due to His terror/fear of Water? strange? Mullets belong in the Sea]

then Medications may have been prescribed by a Physician for this condition.

'Fugue' Memory loss is a 'Defence' against the extreme Psychological damage Traumatic

events have triggered due to 'Dissociation' [alteration of Brain Chemistry]

 ..Teenage Drug usage follows   similar 'Patterns' [Peer Pressure etc]

and 'Experimentation' [according to some social studies] and

usually includes anything in the Family 'Medicine Cabinet' which can of course compound

existing Psychological Problems...[and in Mullet's case-He was Jewels Programmed as an Infant]

'Klonopin' is prescribed for Anxiety etc. ASM meds..[anti Seizure]

Lloyd Bridges had a Public Image to maintain but must have been severely depressed-as was His Wife who battled Post Natal Depression after the sad loss of a Child in Infancy.

I have already said something about the 'Thalian Group' for  Addicts Depressives etc which was founded by Hollywood Actors.

One of these Actors was former USMC Drill Instructor HUGH O'BRIAN- famous as a 'Quick Draw' 'Sheriff in the Role of 'The Life and Times of Wyatt Earp' on TV IN 1960'S.

O'BRIAN [real Name Krampe- Son of a Jewish Immigrant ] appeared with Lloyd Bridges in some Movies and had a varied Career .

He also lost a Fortune around the age of 60 when an Accountant stole Millions from Him-leaving Him almost Bankrupt. He recovered financially and went on to live into His 80's as a well known Face on TV. As usual the Gutter Press speculated about His Sexuality as He remained unmarried until very late in life.

The interesting thing is He was was very astute Business Man who owned amongst other things Bowling Alleys...and before finding fame as an ACTOR...He owned and worked Himself in a Hollywood Landscaping/Gardening Company- and is known to have cut the Grass of many famous Residents . 

I have speculated that Quintana was somehow involved in similar work and may have grown 'POT' in the 'GreenHouse-Type' environment of the 'Pool House' where Jeff was attacked whilst unconscious. Like the Gary Busey/Jeff Bridges Clip above- some Workers do not pay proper attention and are easily distracted whilst 'on the Job'

The 'Bicycle Joker' Archetype is an unusual one as both Motorcycles and Bicycles are basically the same thing with different power sources.

'Quintana Roo' Bicycles are expensive and made for Pro-Athletes 'Triathlons' etc and Motorcycle Clubs in America? there are hundreds if not thousands.

A lot of these are 'specialised' with regards to Membership -THE EAGLES MC in California

is specifically for 'GAY' Riders- 'East Bay Dragons MC ' is made up of 'Riders of Colour' etc

Mid West USA SEEMS TO BE A DESTINATION OF CHOICE for many of these Groups.

It is surprising to read about former Hollywood Actors with Motorcycling 'connections'

Whatever the preference of the Rider with regards to Machine choice etc it is crucial to remain safe on the road....unprotected heads are fragile indeed.. wear a Helmet -even on a pushbike

or pay the price You can never really afford...Newtonian Physics apply to everyone...




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