Fun in Acapulco



 [Smuggler and promoter Gary Tovar said that Acapulco Gold's distinctive color was the outcome of the way the plants were aged and dried by the wind off the Pacific Ocean.[5] When cultivated outside its native range, it is considered to be substantially less potent than native plants: "while the original genetics of Acapulco Gold can be found among global seed companies, without that blazing Acapulco sun and Gulf breezes, the end product remains an artifice, a simulacrum of what could be had in 1974."

Tovar was born in Los Angeles[2] and began smuggling illicit goods as a 14-year-old when he brought fireworks into the US from Tijuana in Mexico.

 Influenced by someone referred to as LaRue 


who was connected to Timothy Leary's The Brotherhood of Eternal Love, Tovar's involvement with marijuana began in the late 1960s. [pay attention! see My Current Post]    


US servicemen on furlough from the Vietnam War were the sources for the seeds that he distributed. His organization was such that he was able to guarantee a market and a distribution network for the growers to whom he sold the seeds.

 The strains that he imported included Thai stick and Acapulco Gold.[1] He earned millions of dollars before his arrest by federal drug agents on March 9, 1991. He fought conspiracy charges from Los Angeles County Jail before being imprisoned in October 1992 for seven years on four counts relating to trafficking from Arizona]


     Jim Beam Bourbon...[used to be called 'Old Tub' before 1943]

['Kingpin' Movie or even a 'Sandler' effort]

Early Christians alleged the Romans to have had a toilet god in the form of Crepitus, who was also the god of flatulence and was invoked if a person had diarrhoea or constipation. There are no ancient references to Crepitus. They additionally propitiated Stercutius (named from stercus or excrement), the god of dung, who was particularly important to farmers when fertilising their fields with manure. 
He had a close relationship with Saturn, the god of agriculture.[15] 
Early Christians seem to have found Stercutius particularly ridiculous; he was a target of mockery for St. Augustine of Hippo in his book City of God in the early 5th century AD

now although that Wikipedia Piece [above] is highly amusing.. the link to Saturn is of interest to Jungians
as Saturn completes the Male 'Ego Triad' of IS[ISIS]-RA-[SOL]-EL [SATURN] 
or put another way the Male Lead Actor [Party Animal etc]is related to the 'Saturnalia'
in Jungian Terms the excesses of the Saturnalia are a result of 'Father' influence and is linked
to Depressive States...

Similarly in Korea, the toilet god or Cheukshin (or cheukgansin)[7] was known as the "young lady of the toilet".[8] She was regarded as having a "perverse character"[9] and was propitiated each year in October by housewives, along with the other household gods.[8]

A rather different form of toilet god existed in China, in the shape of Zigu (紫姑), also known as Mao Gu, the Lady of the Latrine or the Third Daughter of the Latrine. She was believed to be the spirit of a concubine who had been physically abused by a vengeful wife and had died in the latrine. Her cult appears to have originated in the Shanxi region and spread across China by the Tang period.[10] Women worshipped her in the form of a home-made doll on the fifteenth day of each year's first month, when she was ritually summoned in the latrine during the night.Prayers were said to the doll, telling her that the husband and wife had gone and that she could now safely come out. The motions of the doll – sometimes manifested as automatic writing – were used for fortune telling by the worshippers. Another interpretation came from a popular novel of the Ming period, which portrayed the latrine deity as three sisters who were responsible for the Primeval Golden Dipper (hunyuan jindou) or celestial toilet bowl, from which all beings were born

Hence the 'House Trained' 'WOO'..[.is really 'Cherie' ]

Vodka...Bourbon....excessive consumption can lead to urinary incontinence..

Welcome to Guatemala....[yep been there too]

I should stress that 'Brujas' from Guatemala use Chocolate.. not Alcohol Their 'Ceremonies'

and Guatemala constantly crops up on an Unconscious level. In the 1940's the USA deliberately infected

more than 5000 Guatemalans with STD's ...

including Syphilis...Guatemalans make 'Worry Dolls' to alleviate Anxiety /Nightmares 

[ early Psychology at its best]

 The CIA led 'Coup' of Guatemala in 1954 on behalf of a 'front' Banana Company changed many things but superstitious Citizens of Guatemala are still burning [mostly female] 'Witches' in 2022...

Money causes Poverty -not Religion.

'DRIVER' is a CIA  'Cryptonym' for ? Pilot.

 [see wikipedia]

'Ragamuffins or 'Tatademalions' 

If you've guessed that rag or ragged is related to ragamuffin, you may be correct, but the origins of the word are somewhat murky. In Middle English, ragamuffin functioned both as a surname and generically to denote a ragged (and sometimes stupid) person, and in the Middle English alliterative poem Piers Plowman William Langland used the word to serve as the name of a demon. The muffin part of ragamuffin may have its origin in either of two Anglo-Norman words for a devil or scoundrel, but that too is uncertain. 

No matter its muddied history—the word has continued to develop in modern times. It can also refer to a type of music with rap lyrics and a reggae beat.


[Merriam-Webster Dictionary]

the thing about 'Piers Plowman' is it depicts a 'Dream within a Dream'...[and predates Shakespeare]

there are also many 'Urine' 'Gods' in many Mythologies.. Dude

and 'Dooder' is of course a Childhood word for the contents of a Diaper.- an English Guy called Knox 

first 'discovered' 'Indica' long before 'Lamarck' the French Guy classified the Herb.

Apparently Sativa and Indica and 'Hybrids' are somehow different? could have fooled Me..

but once fooled twice


Elvis, the King- is much more popular in Europe than in USA.
Sadly, a lot of His Acting left much to be desired in certain Movies

The debate as to which Movie was THE worst rumbles on...everyone has an opinion! 
'Lebowski' includes many Elvis Movies on an unconscious level as well as practically every Oscar winning Movie since 'Talkies' began [I have listed most of these in My 'Introduction' Post]

'Blue Hawaii' 'Clambake' 'Hard Knocks' etc sees old Swivel Hips in various roles belting out the next tune usually holding a Guitar or Ukulele as a 'Prop' which He seems to play in an unusual unorthodox style which involves strumming an entire chord with only one string? It's somewhat confusing but achieves the desired effect.

Vocally- Elvis is Unique, His range is impressive. 'CLAM BAKE' is set in Florida and involves
the King switching places with a working stiff to experience life amongst the common Non Millionaire

Clambake is a 1967 American musical film directed by Arthur H. Nadel and starring Elvis PresleyShelley Fabares, and Bill Bixby. It is considered by many to be the worst film ever made. Written for the screen by Arthur Browne Jr., the film is about the heir to an oil fortune who trades places with a water-ski instructor at a Florida hotel to see if girls will like him for himself, rather than his father's money. Clambake was the last of Presley's four films for United Artists [wikipedia]
[strange world of Arthur Brown Jr  I liked Bill Bixby in the old TV  Series 'The Magician']

Wikipedia Piece above considers  that Clambake is the worst Movie ever made? -hard to say ?
but lots of contenders for that Title..

Elvis smoked Weed in 1950's before it was illegal.. He also did LSD ..and as any fan knows
took Prescription Drugs [for Cancer which He never had] and died on a Toilet...


 visiting the Crapper ....

[ 'CRAPPER' is  another Cocktail Name]

I've been to Acapulco[twice]-nice place but seems to be 'Under-Touristed' ? due to perceived Drug related Crime ? Sometimes reputations are unfounded.. but the Place does need a bit of a facelift in
some areas.. same as anywhere really. .

- never been to Hawaii tho..It's on My list.. but time against Me now so I'll settle for
wearing Shirts...wanted to see 'Kona' where Actor John Wayne got wed to 'Pilar'...but doesn't matter 
anymore. Funny tho' some people think Wayne was a 'Draft Dodger?' One Website claims 
He once got paid in Bourbon? for a TV appearance?.. leading to some Booze company
'Branding the Duke' ..

True Grit..?

Got to say tho' .. Hawaii does look great in the Movies.. but like the rest of America its also got its

remember it's not always the Mushroom- sometimes it's the FUNGUS [Spores] that cause the
Hallucinations -'RUST' is both a Street Term for Narcotic[LOW QUALITY OR 'DIRTY' HEROIN-'MEXICAN MUD' etc mostly from Ciudad Juarez but also Brazil] 
- and an addictive VIDEO GAME

that recently is causing many addiction problems for mostly Teenage Players....



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