Bath Salts
Chemicals sold as “Bath Salts” are not bath salts used in a tub, but toxic drugs whose effects are unpredictable.

In the same way that Spice and K2 are referred to as synthetic marijuana, Bath Salts are referred to as synthetic stimulants. They can also cause hallucinations like that of LSD.
Bath Salts often contain a varied mix of chemicals, so even if the packaging looks the same, one never knows what the product actually contains. It is usually sold in powdered form in small plastic or foil packages. It can be white, off-white, yellow or brown and may also be sold in capsules or tablets, or in small jars in liquid form.
Users have reported snorting or injecting it, or mixing it with food or drink. This can include “bombing” it (swallowing it wrapped in cigarette paper), taking it rectally, inhaling it using a vaporizer or smoking it.
I mentioned elsewhere that old Duder wanted to be like James Bond in the Acting Style..
CARL WALTHER is a Company that produces Weapons.
The famous 'James Bond' Walther PPK has another variant the P38 which was 'Standard Issue' in the German Army in WW2.
[Walther - From 1942 until 1945, the company used slave labour at the Neuengamme concentration camp, and operated its own factory at the camp.
Note; When Ludwig Loewe & Cie. merged with the Gesellschaft für Elektrische Unternehmungen in 1929, its ownership of DWM was transferred to a group of investors working with Günther Quandt (the 'Quandt Gruppe' or 'Quandt Group').
In 1938 members of the Loewe family were expelled from the boards as part of a plan to minimize Jewish influence on German businesses, the so-called aryanization.
Günther Quandt (28 July 1881 – 30 December 1954) was a German industrialist who founded an industrial empire that today includes BMW and Altana, a car and chemical company, respectively. Between, 1921 and 1929 he was married to Magda Ritschel, later the wife of Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. In the 1930s he joined the Nazi Party.
His descendants were ranked as the wealthiest Germans by Manager Magazin in 2014]
The TV Series 'The Twilight Zone' has influenced a Generation of Americans and is currently undergoing a resurgence of interest..
[Trading Card from 'The Self Improvement of Salvatore Ross' Episode.pic]
The P38 uses 'PARABELLUM' 9mm Ammunition-['KURTZ'-German for 'Short' is also 9mm Ammunition.]-
as does the 'CARL GUSTAV M45'..
During the Vietnam War, the US Navy SEALs used the m/45 extensively. One of the gun's qualities which appealed to the US Navy was that the m/45 can fire almost immediately out of the water (over the beach). It also saw use by CIA operatives and advisers. In US service it was largely known as the "Swedish-K" or "K-Rifle".[9]
The US Navy was so impressed by the m/45 that when Sweden embargoed the export of weapons to the United States in 1966, Smith & Wesson was given the task of producing a copy. This was designated the Smith & Wesson M76. However, by the time the M76 was ready for combat deployment, the US Navy interest had largely evaporated.[10] Many of the m/45s used by US forces and agencies were devoid of markings, implying clandestine use ("sanitized")
'TRANQ'=Tranq dope is the street name for a powerful drug that is a mixture of heroin, fentanyl, and xylazine.
'Kegel' was a form of Bowling played in Cathedrals in Mediaeval Germany..the Wooden 'Pin 'represented the 'Heathen' or 'Evil Spirits. Which if knocked over absolved the Bowler of 'Sin'...
there is some speculation that the Egyptians invented Bowling as a Children's Game-played with Rocks..
but like a lot of Egyptian 'History' is somewhat mis-interpreted....
Mummification and painted face masks served a different purpose in the 'afterlife' than we are led to believe in Victorian speculation
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