The Egyptian Cocaine Connection

As previously shown Alfred Hitchcock heavily influenced the Script .

'Psycho' [1960] contains much information about 'Stylistic Directing' with the inclusion of Techniques such as using Music to 'enhance' the build up of Tension in the Viewer- but it is also thought to be  the first Movie to actually include a Toilet Flushing.

the Inventor of the Flushing Toilet was Sir John Harington- not the supposed 'Thomas Crapper' a later Victorian Plumber who is often credited..[hence 'Crap' being associated with Bathrooms]

The modern Toilet was first invented in 1596 by Sir John Harington

Samuel Prosser invented and also patented the plunger closet in 1777. [it was known as 'Metamorphosis Ajax'...] 

The Ancient Egyptians invented Waste disposal Systems not unlike modern Counterparts- and would not wear Wool clothing see;

Moving on.. 'Henut Taui' was an Egyptian 'Mummy' that was found to contain Cocaine in 1992..

Cocaine is only found in South America- so how did Egyptians get hold of it?

[Jewish Mapmakers in Genoa knew all about America long before Columbus -who used Their Charts- there is speculation that the Chinese had visited South America and copies of Their Maps were produced in Genoa- ]

At first it was thought to be a Hoax but subsequent investigations revealed the Mummy was indeed Genuine and Ancient....

As most 'Biblical' Judaic 'Magic' derives from Egyptian sources the above Site illustrates that there really is 'Nothing new under the Sun'. 

Some Misguided Individuals even Ate 'Mummia' 

In the 16th century, armed with the belief that ground-mummy cured illnesses, people would eat the flesh of mummies in the form of a powder akin to bitumen, known as “Mummia.” While this traditionally Islamic and ancient Greek practice started with the consumption of bitumen, a type of asphalt, the public began to interpret “Mummia” as “a black, resinous medicine scraped out from embalmed Egyptian mummies.” This is when real mummies were seared and then powdered for mass consumption.[from above linked Site] 

So the 18th Century saw Harington making a 'Metamorphic Ajax'  just in time to deal with the complete load of Shit foisted on the Public by 'Medicine Men'...[AND MODERN MOVIE MAKERS]

Jeff LEBOWSKI is no ordinary Alcoholic/Addict - He is a Cocktail Specialist

expensive tastes.. for a Hobo?[ HALF AND HALF used in Cocktails- relates to 'Adad Milki' the Jewish Mythic 'Child Abuser' Jeff was a victim of a Pederast who gave Him Alcohol and Cannabis before Raping Him] but Alcohol in any 'form' eventually becomes problematic if improperly used.. GARY hands 'Dude' a  Phone indicating a familiarity probably work based...Jeff was a 'Dogsbody' for a time..['Collie' is Street for Cannabis]

 Rene Descartes was born in 1596....

'Punning?'....Toilet = Loo [in UK] Dude has His Head shoved in Lieu...

[in Lieu is  French derivative  for 'instead of' ] and is in a 'Rental House' so is a 'Tenant'- a 'Rent Boy'

a Lieu Tenant get it?-Military connections-remember 'Driver' mentioned by Jeff is a CIA 'Cryptonym' for 'Pilot'.

  Jeff is Acting out of turn for some-body else -a Pilot[probably Stunt Flier] who crashed-and He  sees Him as Shit at His Task/Job. ..having seen many Psychiatrists during His Youth-.but is -via a Script - recalling Teenage Programming including 'Psyche' Techniques [interrogation etc] for 

'Special Forces' which in the USA would include 'Navy Seal' Training Camps etc..

Jeff Lebowski is a 'Performing Seal' playing at being a Clown-linking yet again to the Circus ['DMT' Archetype see My 'One Idiot to Another ' Post]

Jeff wanted to be a Soldier/Military Guy but had a record. The Pilot is worthy of His Job and must have had PTSD at some time-He too has had problems from His childhood and is full of guilt.


A 'Dummy Man' is street for Drug Dealer see Site below [includes PAX being 'Street' for Cannabis etc ]

'Camp Pendleton' is a USMC Training Facility..

'Sgt Reckless' was a Korean Horse bought by the USMC...


How did the Egyptians get hold of Cocaine?

the Greeks Dude...the GREEKS....[who also influenced Buddhism or 'Boddo' as They called it...]

these Greek Dudes had conquered the 'Polynesia' and 'Americas' long before the false 'Columbus' etc..

They also show up in India China-even Japan...

if You want I can 'expand' on this..but that will cost You real Money and I no longer do shit for Free..

Pay up or Shut up.  Dude call it a 'Script Consultation Fee' or whatever..



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