Public Image Limited - Rise



interesting...Lydon singing is not really My Cup of Tea but the Imagery in the Video is obviously 'Religio' and the Lyrics are reminiscent of EPILEPSY 'Symptomology'.
The usage of Barbiturates in the 'Treatment' is a comparatively new idea.
Some Historical Epileptics used Cannabis as a Medicine..

The anatomic location of the soul from the heart, through the brain, to the whole body, and beyond: a journey through Western history, science, and philosophy

Beta Sex Kitten alters have to do with dressing like wildcat, often tiger, leopard, or lion. Moreover, Mickey Mouse ears and MK-Ultra Disney also symbolize MK-Ultra mind control. Disney movies and shows are filled with dark symbolism, including cartoon movies.

when I was on a certain 'Lebowski' website- many pics of the 'sex-kitten' Julie-Ann Moore
showing off Her 'leopard skin' knickers were often discussed by contributors..

I just found this to be sad- although at that time-did not realise she too must have been a victim. [Her dad was in the Military]

Mirrors, especially cracked or shattered mirrors, have to do with shattered and fractured personality created by traumatic mind control. Such trauma leads to eventual breakdown or meltdown, around 27 or 28, and they start rebelling from their handler. 

Nice to see old Jeff 'Mullet' Bridges has recovered from Cancer and Covid  and is now working on a

[DISNEY ]FX Series 'OLD MAN' as the Character 'Dan Chase' an EX CIA Guy who lives in a Log Cabin in the Woods?..yeah right...

Desperate Dan lol!...keep on Truckin' Jeff...

I already said [and meant it] I was sorry for calling You a prick...but I had to get Your attention
before You did something really stupid.

If You ever get to My neck of the woods- I'll buy You a Coalyard. [Coffee]



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