Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
['Magic' Trick for Conjurors- still available on eBay]
This relationship between the Putin family and top communist leaders brings to mind another thing to which the communists are connected: occult Judaism.
“The Illuminati bankers created Communism to harness the working class to their program of a comprehensive world dictatorship (now known as “globalization.”)
The Illuminati and Communists are Masonic secret societies that celebrate the same anniversary, May 1, 1776 and share the same satanic symbols.”
I heard the news today, oh boy ..'Snort' Snodgrass former Navy F-14 'Tomcat' Pilot crashed and died in Idaho. Rest In Peace Captain Snodgrass.
The USA has a long history of brave Aviators such as Gary Powers, who was shot down on a covert mission for the CIA in the 1960's.
Allen Dulles , head of the CIA at the time of the 'Blackbird'[Powers' experimental U-2 Plane] incident ,was responsible for discrediting 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' and oversaw the integration of former Nazis from Germany into the USA.
The Kronthal case demonstrated just how careless Dulles and Wisner were about their early recruitments. As the CIA investigators later found, Kronthal had led a dark life in the art world, working with the Nazi regime during the war in fencing art stolen from Jews.
It was during this period that German intelligence caught him in a homosexual act with an underage German boy. However, his friendship with Herman Goering prevented his arrest and saved him from scandal. Kronthal had every reason to believe the incident had been safely covered up.
When the Soviets took Berlin, they found all of Goering's private files, which included Kronthal's records. When Kronthal replaced Dulles as Bern Station Chief in 1945, the NKVD prepared a honey trap based on the information they had obtained. Chinese boys were imported and made available to him, and he was successfully filmed in the act.
so if the Soviets were using Male Prostitutes of Chinese origin?- who supplied them?
You can bet the Americans used them too..
Gary Powers was not given any instructions when His U-2 was shot down, about what He should do in case He was captured, He had a Poison 'Pin' contained inside a Silver Dollar in His Flying Suit but the decision to use it was left to the Pilot. Powers chose to live.
CIA 'jargon' for a Pilot was a 'Driver'
The 'Poison Pin' was developed by Sidney Gottlieb , who also was responsible for MKULTRA and
the extensive usage of LSD.
Gottlieb, 43, was a biochemist. A son of immigrant Jews, he had been born with club feet. He spent his childhood in the Bronx wearing leg braces. He stuttered. But he was smart and ambitious, with a gift for science.
He obtained a Ph.D. at California Institute of Technology in 1943. The Selective Service ranked him 4F, but he found work doing research at federal agencies and universities in the Washington, DC, area.
He lived in a log cabin with his wife and their four children on 15 wooded acres near Vienna, Virginia.
Hired by the CIA in 1951, Gottlieb had worked on Special Operations Division projects at Camp Detrick, near Frederick, Maryland.
This evolved into MK-ULTRA, a program Gottlieb headed starting in 1953.
His shop’s main mission was developing mind control tools—one study focused on adapting the hallucinogen lysergic acid diethylamide-25—LSD—for that use.
As director of MK-ULTRA, he had tested drugs on prisoners, drug addicts, hospital patients, suspected spies, ordinary citizens, and even his own colleagues.
President Kennedy had assigned lawyer James Donovan—portrayed by Tom Hanks in the 2015 film Bridge of Spies—to negotiate release of POWs from the Bay of Pigs. The CIA proposed to have Donovan give Castro a tainted diving suit—precisely the kind of job for which Technical Services had been created.
“TSD bought a diving suit, dusted it inside with a fungus which would produce Madura foot, a chronic skin disease, and contaminated the breathing apparatus with a tubercle bacillus,” a CIA officer wrote years later.
Gottlieb and his 'Technical Services' used Cages to incarcerate Children..
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PROSTITUTES were extensively used in SAN FRANCISCO.
The project that started in 1954 consisted of a web of CIA-run safehouses in San Francisco and Mill Valley, California, and New York City.[2] It was established in order to study the effects of LSD on unconsenting individuals.
Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safehouses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. The prostitutes were instructed in the use of post-coital questioning to investigate whether the victims could be convinced to involuntarily reveal secrets.
The victims were sometimes fed subliminal messages in attempts to induce them to involuntary actions, including criminal activity such as robbery, assault, and assassination. Many of the CIA operatives involved in the experiments voluntarily indulged in the drugs and prostitutes for recreational purposes.[2]
Every one of these acts was blatantly illegal and several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater, including extensive research into sexual blackmail, surveillance technology and the possible use of mind-altering drugs in field operations.[3]
The Operation Midnight Climax program was soon expanded, and CIA operatives began dosing people in restaurants, bars and beaches.[3] The extent to which this widespread exposure of the public to mind-altering drugs contributed to the rise of the counter-culture movement in the late 1950s and 1960s is unknown, although Ken Kesey has attributed his role in the genesis of the influential San Francisco Bay Area psychedelic social scene that developed in the 1960s to his participation in Project MKUltra LSD experiments at the Menlo Park, California, VA Hospital.
The safehouses were dramatically scaled back in 1963, following a report by CIA Inspector General John Earman which strongly recommended closing the facility. The San Francisco safehouses were closed in 1965, and the New York City safehouse soon followed in 1966
Concentrated Marijuana was used prior to LSD as a 'Hypnotic' , but if You try to 'Recall' a Symbolic
'Experience' then the 'Symbols' must have a basis in the actuality of the 'Subject'[VICTIM]
I have stated that LSD wrote the Script, that OPIATE[ the 'Devil' 'Trickster' etc] is the 'hidden' truth that wanted to be seen, and that Cannabis is the Original Basis of every Character Portrayed , that 'JEFF' was a VICTIM and that a 'JOHNSON' is a combination of Cannabis/Cocaine/Opiate
But have it Your way .Dude.

The 'Chinamen Who built the Railroads' in the 'Old West' were not just exploited and victimised Immigrant
Workers.. They had a lesser known role in the development of Medicine.. being, as They were, the first
American users of 'Snake Oil' to 'Cure' various Ailments.[ see web for History]
The Snakes used in Their Medicine preparations were of Asian origin and not Native to North America,
indeed some Preparations actually did provide 'Miraculous Cures-creating a big demand In a Country
largely consisting of uneducated Immigrants.
But the lack of Asian Snakes led to usage of 'Rattlesnakes' and some very dubious 'Ingredients'
Opium etc by the new 'Breed' of 'Travelling Showman'- The Caucasian 'Snake Oil Salesman'
who were usually accompanied by a 'Shill' or 'Stooge'... 'Westwards with the Wagons' to Hollywood in California, most of Them
remain in Their original Home -New York City in Wall Street, but some still peddle Their old Trade
as 'New Age' Healers etc, the one thing They hate is someone seeing through Their Act and refusing
to buy Their carefully packaged 'Trick'
That's how the 'Trickster' operates.. GOTTLIEB is the name of the PINBALL MACHINE Manufacturer
in the GAMES ROOM of the Mansion used to film the Movie 'The Big Lebowski' [Also used to film
the Movie 'There Will be Blood' in 2007] and every Character IN TBL is based on a Child's Toy or its
'Creator' MARX from NYC being the most famous.
WALTER is a Character based on 'GI Joe'/Action Man' the Doll Puppet
and 'Walter' the lead role in the 1946 Movie
'Double Indemnity' [as this Movie has a Bowling Alley Scene as well as Cinematic Techniques that
would be essential study for aspiring Directors.]
'Pride of the Marines' [1945] is used also in this Character creation so the link to 'Film Noir'
and 'Trickster' [playing the 'Old Soldier' in England means ' Pretence Con Artist etc]
and Showman 'Magic' can have unexpected results when viewed from a different perspective, much
like Cinematography can decidedly alter Visual Scenes in Movies.
Diablo wind is a name that has been occasionally used for the hot, dry wind from the northeast that typically occurs in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California, during the spring and fall. The same wind pattern also affects other parts of California's coastal ranges and the western slopes of Sierra Nevada, with many media and government groups using the term Diablo winds for strong, dry downslope wind over northern and central California. The term first appeared shortly after the 1991 Oakland firestorm
'ALL RISE' in the Dialogue reminds me of a Courtroom? and 'Old Judge' Coffee? maybe has something
in 'connection'- to Puppet Walter's obsession with 'the Law' ? but Metaphor in Dialogue is a tricky thing..
'MAKES IT TO THE SEMIS' , 'DON'T WANT TO BE A 'HARD-ON ' could be Metaphor for Erectile Dysfunction,[caused by Narcotics see My Ch1]
but just as easily could be some kind of Technical Jargon
based on STUNTPERSON INSTRUCTION? I have no idea.
But ALCOHOL is or was a big problem for all the Production Team including Actors
'DIABLO' [The Spanish for 'Devil'] can be any 'Form' of any 'Evil Spirit' including Wine.
[ Fino is Wine from Spain ] and California is a Major centre of Production as is France.
ORSON WELLES has provided much inspiration as nearly everything in 'Lebowski' derives from
His extensive Filmography, right down to Him playing a Passenger in a Taxicab
[in the 1943 'Know Your Ally Britain']..A 'NAZI' in THE STRANGER , THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI,
and so on -Wikipedia lists dozens of His works and if a Group of Movie Aficionados were 'Hypnotized'
after smoking Opium Tainted Cannabis,[Thai stick] given a 'Games Room' to discuss a Script Production
[a 'Round Robin' is more than one Author]
then the resulting Script from these People would reveal much about not just Movies but the Persons
Themselves [Who I'm sure are all Childhood Victims of Abusers of some kind in Their respective Lives.]
If Persons with unresolved Trauma Problems from Childhood try
Their hand at producing Original Artworks...the appearance of a 'Robin' [ TURDUS MIGRATORIUS Bird] would not be unusual in any 'form'.
Many participants of the psychedelic sessions, especially artists, recalled their explorations of LSD as unique, even formative experiences. However, others experienced so-called ‘bad trips’. Suicides soon followed. In several main centres – especially the psychiatric hospital in Sadska, near Prague – research was carried out on a mass scale. According to unconfirmed reports, one of the provincial hospitals carried out tests on children as young as three years old who were experiencing mental health issues. In another hospital, experiments were supposedly carried out on prisoners.
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