

'EAR WAX' = Street for Cannabis...

[Persian-American Actor 'Manesh Marshall' yeah right that's a real common Persian Name - wonder if He's A 'Zoroastrian too?
Playing the 'M.D.'  Mercurius Duplex Dude]

[As a nod to above Website]


Theatre and Alchemy , by Bettina L. Knapp. Detroit: Wayne State U. Press, 1980* (283 + xiii, ind. 9-p. index, 5-p. bibl., 3-p. foreword by Mircea Eliade). 

Basing her approach on the relationship Jung suggested between psychology and alchemy, Knapp states that any play may be interpreted alchemically, that is to say, that it can be shown to pass through the alchemical phases of nigredo (blackening), albedo (whitening), and rubedo (reddening) that occur in the union of disparate parts into a harmony of opposites.

As examples of the first stage (chaos, or experience of the collective unconscious), she interprets Strindberg's A Dream Play and de Ghelderode's Escurial .

The second stage (washing, or consciousness) is represented by Claudel's Break of Noon , Yeats's The Only Jealousy of Emer , and Witkiericz's The Water Hen , and the third (union of opposites) by de l'Isle-Adam's Axël and Ansky's The Dybbuk .

As examples of the world/spiritual/soul concept of alchemy, she analyzes a fourteenth-century Noh drama (Matsukaze) and a second- century B.C. Sanskrit play, Shakuntala , which is drawn from the Mahabharata .

She concludes that the theatre may be viewed as operational alchemy in that the play allows one to reach beyond one's limited vision toward the Infinite, an instinctive activity within the psyche which cannot be explained rationally any more than can genius or talent. 

Joyce between Freud and Jung , by Sheldon R. Brivic. Port Washington, N.Y. and London: Kennikat Press, 1980* (National University Publications/Literary Criticism Series) (226, incl. 4-p. index, 6-p. ref. notes). 

Brivic believes that Joyce and Jung had much in common as thinkers: both admired religious values without subscribing to a particular religion, and both were preoccupied by mythology and self- realization and the unconscious.

Using depth psychology to trace Joyce's career as a "relentless spiral of transformation," Brivic begins by showing the origins of Joyce's obsessions from a Freudian perspective. He then attempts to connect the unconscious aspects of Joyce's personality to the meanings and values in consciousness, devoting a chapter to Joyce's system and Jung's psychological types.

He concludes with an exploration of the value that Joyce found in life through his mythology. 

Melville's Moby-Dick: A Jungian Commentary; An American Nekyia, by Edward F. Edinger. New York: New Directions Books, 1978 +p* (150, incl. 3-p. bibl., 4-p. gloss.). 

Seeking not so much to understand Melville the man as to understand the psyche (especially the collective psyche) as exemplified by the genius of Melville's imagination, Edinger elucidates the psychological significance of the novel Moby Dick and thereby demonstrates analytical psychology's methods of dealing with symbolic forms and the basic orientation underlying its therapeutic approach.

He interprets the classic adventure story of the wild pursuit of the white whale as a kind of negative dialogue with the Self, describing symbolically the stormy process of Melville's own experience of spiritual transition that led to the underworld of the unconscious and the corrective experience of the "defeat of the ego" by the redeeming encounter with the Self.

He analyzes in detail the symbolism involved in Ishmael, Queequeg, Captain Ahab, the whale, and Fedallah.

Arthur Schopenhauer was heavily influenced by 'the East' and its Philosophy which was mostly
derived from Buddhist Teachings....

'Royal Nepalese Temple Balls' were at one time used in some Buddhist Ceremonials by some sects of Buddhism...in Nepal and Bhutan ...

These Balls are just Concentrated Cannabis Sativa Resin that has been hand polished to achieve a glossy Black finish- 

Although a lot smaller-visually They resemble Lawn or 'Crown Green' Bowls which is played on Grass here in England.. the 'Jack' being a 'Target Ball'- but although modern English Bowls are 'Plastic-Resin Based'....much like Ten Pin Bowls.....[hence Resin and 'Bowling Ball' being the same thing]

originally they were made of ...a very hard Wood called 'Lignum Vitae'...

and this Latin Phrase translates as 'Tree Of  Life'......but as well as being the 'National Flower' of Jamaica- Lignum Vitae had a Medicinal use also-as a treatment for Syphilis in the 1600's..[Shakespeare wrote about Syphilis amongst Actors as I have noted elsewhere in this Blog ]

Shakespeare refers to syphilis as the pox, the malady of France, the infinite malady, the incurable bone-ache, the hoar leprosy, and most oddly as “the good-year” (a corruption of the French term “goujere,” from “gouge,” meaning prostitute)


Shakespeare's obsessive interest in syphilis, his clinically exact knowledge of its manifestations, the final poems of the sonnets, and contemporary gossip all suggest that he was infected with “the infinite malady.” The psychological impact of venereal disease may explain the misogyny and revulsion from sex so prominent in the writings of Shakespeare's tragic period. This article examines the possibility that Shakespeare received successful treatment for syphilis and advances the following new hypothesis: Shakespeare's late-life decrease in artistic production, tremor, social withdrawal, and alopecia were due to mercury poisoning from syphilis treatment. He may also have had anasarca due to mercury-related membranous nephropathy.

[search site for info on Bacterial Infections]

Shakespeare too.. had a 'Rash on His Ass'...the POXY FICTIONAL THEATRICAL CLOWN..

[Personally I think there was no such Writer-but a collection of very well educated 'Others' used the Name as 'Pseudonym' to 'Play Tricks' on Their Audiences- A 'Midsummer Nights Dream' with its 'Nymphs' etc and other Works are very 'Mythic' ]

the first Ten Pin Bowling Balls and Pins were also made of the over exploited and now endangered Lignum Vitae...

Tree of Life ....Dude.. commonly known as 'Holywood'...the thickest and dense-est of all Woods as any Carpenter knows...

'HAMLET' has many 'interpretations' -some see it as an 'Existential Angst' struggle with Suicidal thoughts- others see it as 'Spiritual' with it's 'Father's' Ghost appearance etc
its open to debate as to the intent on the part of the Author -

Actors however have to portray
these Characters whatever way They see fit....lots of Bacon in Denmark Dude.. lol.. Guildenstern and Rosencrantz Methinks were more than 'extras' 

'HAMLET' is in itself a peculiar Name-even in Denmark.. [I suspect that the Greek Theatre Term 'Hamartia'-is somehow linked to this Word-but if it is a 'Study in Depression'
[as some Psychologists speculate] then the Depression will keep showing up in other Cannabis-based Productions throughout History- there is some evidence that Shakey used Cocaine...[see Web https://www.deseret.com/2001/3/1/19572521/did-shakespeare-smoke-cocaine/] as well as Cannabis..

but at the risk of repetition I maintain that most of 'His' work was written by a Female.. or maybe a Group of People? Who knows? but writing requires Fuel for the Body as well as Food for thought! 'Danish and Coffee? or perhaps a Bagel with some 'Smoked Salmon?' Jewish Bakers are rightly famous Worldwide for Their excellent fare...some Writers however may need an occasional reminder that there is 'nothing new under the Sun'.. Dude.

The 'Danish-Hamlet' also links to Poisons...[Dude mentions Human 'Paraquat'] so perhaps 'Little Larry' accidentally Poisoned 'AD Sellers?' 'Sod' Houses were built by Danish immigrants in USA in Dakota and other Mid -West USA  States Indiana etc see;https://www.danishmuseum.org/explore/danish-american-culture/immigration
California too has a large Danish-heritage. But as I think every character is in fact either Cannabis or Alcohol-based and related to Books or Theatre then there can only really be one Dane that is being recalled-Hans Christian Andersen , Author of 'the 'Little Mermaid' etc

 'Sonnet 76' by Shakey  mentions 'WEED'..[which could perhaps be Cannabis]-look for Yourself..

[or 'Have it Your Way' Dude..lol]

Shakespeare uses the image of Proteus to establish the character of his great royal villain Richard III in the play Henry VI, Part Three, the prequel to his play Richard III. In Act III, Scene ii, Richard (not yet the king), boasts:
I can add colors to the chameleon,
Change shapes with Proteus for advantages,
And set the murderous Machiavel to school.
Can I do this, and cannot get a crown?
Tut, were it farther off, I'll pluck it down.
Shakespeare also names one of the main characters of his play The Two Gentlemen of Verona Proteus. This character is inconstant in his affections. In the finale of the play when his deceptions have been unraveled and he is face to face with his friend Valentine and original love Julia, Proteus says:
O Heaven, were man
but constant, he were perfect: that one error
fills him with faults; makes him run through all sins
Inconstancy falls off, ere it begins.

[wikipedia-'Proteus' has an expanded version which includes 'K-PAX' etc]

That's about it- 'Proteus' is another Name for 'Mercurius Duplex'- and this 'Demon'
takes the 'form' of? JEALOUSY.

Jeff Bridges is actually Unconsciously 'imitating' or 'Portraying' every lead Character 
in every Stage Play ever written by the Author known as 'SHAKESPEARE'...[via 'Duplex' 
which is related to Childhood Trauma]
but the big Dope does not know anything about 'VENICE TREACLE' being an old name for OPIATE in the 1600's or the fact that like Me -SHAKESPEARE was a Cannabis user at one time too...Poor Sap.

KING LEAR is thought by some to be the most 'difficult' Play to understand-A refusing to listen to good advice from A middle Daughter [of Three] KING ends up utterly distraught- but that's another Story.. Jeff Bridges of course would know all about old Shakey..His Dad had to learn and rehearse Theatre stuff constantly and would not have wanted any distractions from His Kids [He probably had a mild form of ADS] He was a totally dedicated Actor and probably asked one of Jeff's Grandparents to look after Them
Lloyd's own Theatre owning Dad had kicked the Bucket so Frederick WALTER Simpson the Liverpool -origin Grand Dad on His Mum's side probably got the Job.. and Liverpool 
is the site of some 'Connections' with regards the Bard...
[Knowsley Hall which is very near My Abode  hosted many Plays from the Travelling 'Globe' Thespians- it's very Private and not open to the Public but there is Theatre/Museum just up the road-link below]

Who's Your Favourite SHAKESPEARE CHARACTER  ?...

 think mine has to be 'PETRUCHIO' ...and the early Cinematic Portrayals Pre 'TALKIES'

by People such as Arthur Johnson -or even the 1929 'TALKIE' Version made by 

DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS[who I posted about earlier in this Blog re-'Coke Enneday' etc]..cannot compare to BURTON and TAYLORS Masterpiece.. Directed by ZEFFERELLI [1967]...

This is why I think a Female Author had to be included in order to write the Tale...PETRUCHIO does not

'tame' KATHERINE at all -She 'tames' Him!.. oh ffs I'M RAMBLING AGAIN...


[I can be serious when I want to be or not to be lol!]

Oberon and Titania...[A Midsummers Night Dream ] is really a kind of Study of JEALOUSY...[basically Greek Myth Dude]..as any 'Jungian' should know...

Enamoured by an Ass? lol...

ha ha...

'Racing Men' by Jeff Bridges...

nothing new under the Sun Jeff...think You are some kind of Wizard?

think again...daft as a Brush..

I'm outta here...



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