Travels with 'Charlie'

'Burt' Lancaster Co-Produced the Oscar winning Movie 'Marty'
which 'starred' Ernest Borgnine...

Remembering actor and filmmaker BURT LANCASTER (1913 -1994), who was born on November 2nd.  He was nominated four times for Academy Awards and won once for his work in Elmer Gantry in 1960. He also won a Golden Globe for that performance and BAFTA Awards for The Birdman of Alcatraz (1962) and Atlantic City (1980). His production company, Hecht-Hill-Lancaster, was the most successful and innovative star-driven independent production company in Hollywood in the 1950s, making movies such as Marty (1955), Trapeze (1956), Sweet Smell of Success (1957), and Separate Tables (1958).  In 1953, Lancaster played one of his best remembered roles with Deborah Kerr in From Here to Eternity. - Wiki

 Burt Lancaster was a Producer of the [1955] 'Oscar Winner' 'Marty'. 

Well known as a Circus performer, particularly Trapeze skills which He used in 'the Crimson Pirate' [1952]Lancaster was also deemed worthy of an FBI -'HCUA' investigation by J Edgar Hoover-and was thought to be a closet Homosexual who supposedly attended many 'Gay' Hollywood orgies.
[same as Hoover did]

 He is known to have been a 'Prankster'.. one of His Children had POLIO-one of His Wives was an Alcoholic etc.. He was under enormous Psychological pressure...erratic behaviours would not be unexpected.. there is a Picture of Him naked from behind on the back cover of the Biography 'Burt Lancaster; An American Life' by Kate Buford... Swimming Pools seem to be a repressed memory...

Above Pic is from 'The Rose Tattoo' [1955] Co-Written by Tennessee Williams.

Lancaster is lesser known for His 'Film Noir' appearances, such as 'The Sweet Smell of Success'[1957]which although not particularly successful at the Box office is nowadays praised as an 'Avant-garde' example of the genre. 

The Storyline  as usual contains Cannabis references..

Morally bankrupt Manhattan press agent Sidney Falco is a frustrated fringe player who, of late, has been unable to gain positive publicity for his clients in media kingpin J.J. Hunsecker's influential, nationally syndicated newspaper column.

 Hunsecker is overly protective of his younger sister Susan, and seeks to derail her romance with up-and-coming jazz guitarist Steve Dallas.[5]

In return for a failed promise, the bullying Hunsecker offers Falco the opportunity to make good by breaking the couple up. 

Falco is losing money and clients, and knows this crucial back-scratch could save his career. Sidney hopes to plant a rumor in a rival column that Dallas is a marijuana-smoking Communist, enough to get him fired from the jazz club where his combo plays.


Mr Lancaster it seems was something of a Lothario and a quick 'Google' reveals some salacious storylines worthy of a Movie in Themselves.

“Hey Burt. say hello to these Limey writers,” called Condon to Lancaster, who turned from watching the fighters strip for the scales. He was wearing rouge, bright red lipstick and his eyelashes, thick with mascara, fluttered in our direction. “Hi guys,” he simpered. “Don’t ya just love their muscles!”

“F**k me!” exclaimed London Evening News and ITV commentator Gutteridge, clearly surprised at the actor’s sexuality. It was, of course, a different world back then.

Some weeks later Lancaster was arrested in Hollywood while wearing women’s clothes. The thrice- married father of five turned out to be a transvestite and one of a clique of gay (not that the word then had that connotation) or bi-sexual matinee idol celebs, along with Rock Hudson and Tab Hunter.

Condon seemed surprised that we didn’t know. “That’s showbusiness for you,” he chuckled.

Above may be true or  just fabrication, but allegedly Lancaster was a Pederast/Paedophile with a record.

This from England ;

Rock and roll pioneer Vince Eager has revealed how a career in Hollywood vanished after he declined the sexual advances of an Oscar-winning movie legend.Vince was a teenage singer in a London nightclub when he was propositioned by tough guy Burt Lancaster who offered him a movie role if he spent the night with him in his hotel.

Mr Lancaster posed nude in His Youth for 'Photographs' and is thought by some to be a 'Scary Narcissist' 

In 1987 he joined Gregory Peck, Martin Sheen and Lloyd Bridges in narrating a television advertisement by People for the American Way, a liberal action group founded by Norman Lear, in opposition to President Ronald Reagan's appointment of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court.

Very political, and in the company of some very dubious Characters in Hollywood, Lancaster was known to have a very high 'libido' and was not averse to screwing anything that moved be it male or female.

He was particularly fond of being 'Blowed' or 'Fellated' by young hopefuls and His 'fixer'

sometimes had difficulty in procuring enough saps to fulfil His appetites.

Lancaster Allegedly showed up at a Hollywood Oscar party in the late 1950s wearing a G-string and spray-painted gold, resembling an Academy Award statuette.

I never really rated Him as an Actor but  admit I liked the fact He would try anything in any style and few are as famous in Hollywood. It is interesting to see He was well known to the Bridges Family as Lloyd Bridges also played the part of a 'Trapeze' Artist in 'The Great Wallendas' TV seems likely that Lancaster was a predatory Homosexual and a degenerate perverted Abuser.

Jeff Bridges was in a 'made for TV Movie' called 'in search of America'[1971] where He played a College drop-out called Mike Olsen.

 [ the similarity to another bunch of acid dropping Hippies who called themselves 'Ken Kesey's Merry Prankster's' is hard to miss- Bridges travelled on an ancient Bus, Kesey's  a 1964 different model but similar style.]

'Travels with Charley' by Steinbeck...Dude or  Fathers and Sons by Turgenev? with its Nihilists? 

Books and Authors I've mostly covered in other Posts.. Dostoevsky  Melville etc


Kesey paid for the Bus from earnings writing 'One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest' 

In 'in search of America' Bridges wears some apparel very similar to the one worn by the White Thug in 'Lebowski' -Coveralls etc

indeed, every Movie made by Bridges prior to 'Lebowski' can be seen as a 'facet' of the Characters in 'Lebowski'

 The immediately prior Movie to 'Lebowski' is called The 'Amateurs' [Moguls] has Bridges 'blacking out/fainting' exactly like Jeff Lebowski Character in the 'Treehorn' Scene before making a 'Porn' Movie...and so on...

its like His life-story that continues through each Movie He makes..

'White Squall' [1996]sees Bridges on the 'Albatross'[Ancient Mariner Dude or 'Royal Arch Mariner?]re-living His familial associations with the USCG..

there are many more..'Yin/Yan Mr go' sees Jeff being 'mesmerized' with Irish Writer James Joyce.. 

Bridges is a 're-Cycler' when it comes to Acting.

but He is also a very good Cinematic  'Method Actor' - He would never make the grade as a Stage Actor.

Another Actor in the Movie  'in search of America' was George D Wallace

from IMDB 'Mini-Bio'

George D. Wallace was born in New York and, at age 13, moved with his mom and her new husband to McMechen, West Virginia, a coal mining town where the boy began working in the mines. He joined the Navy in 1936, got out in 1940, and then went right back in again when World War II started. A chief boatswain's mate, he ended up in Los Angeles after a total of eight years in the service. Wallace supported himself with an array of odd jobs, from working for a meat packer ("knockin' steers in the head") to lumber-jacking in the High Sierras.

 A stint as a singing bartender attracted the attention of Hollywood columnist Jimmy Fidler, who helped him get his show-biz start. 

Wallace enrolled in drama school in the late 1940s, while earning his living tending the greens at MGM. He soon began landing jobs in films and TV, most notably as Commander Cody in the Republic serial Radar Men from the Moon (1952).

 He later made his Broadway debut in Richard Rodgers' "Pipe Dreams," replaced John Raitt in "The Pajama Game" and was nominated for a Tony for his leading role in "New Girl in Town" with Gwen Verdon

Other stage roles have included "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" opposite Ginger Rogers, "Jennie" with Mary Martin, "Most Happy Fella" (during production, he met his present wife, actress Jane A. Johnston), "Camelot" (as King Arthur), "Man of La Mancha," "Company," and more.

 In 1960, his career was stalled when a horse fell on him and broke his back during the making of an episode of TV's Disneyland (1954)'s "Swamp Fox." His painful recovery took seven months. He sometimes billed himself George D. H. Wallace, to avoid confusion with comic George Wallace.

Wallace  played the 'Radio Actor' part of 'Commander Cody' in 'Radar Men from the Moon',

as shown above Wallace was 'discovered' by Jimmy Fidler.

Burt Lancaster also worked for a time as a 'Singing Waiter' pre-Actor days

Fidler was a classic 'chancer' who never made the grade as an Actor but made a living off 'dishing the dirt'

in Hollywood.

He had a syndicated Newspaper column and His own Radio Show

more below from IMDB

His signature sign-off after each radio broadcast was "Good night to you, and you, and I do mean you!" He also established a four-bell rating system with four bells as a superb movie to one bell for a box-office bomb.
To set himself apart from other gossip columnists he wrote and broadcast "open letters" to film stars, often scolding them for perceived bad behavior.
He lectured Alice Faye for her failure to show up at promotional events in Pittsburgh and George Brent toying with Ann Sheridan in their relationship. He even ordered Martha Raye to stay out of nightclubs.
His acid tongue soon alienated movie stars and studio execs alike. In 1941 Fidler's relationship with the Hollywood elite was further strained when he was called to testify before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee Hearings on Motion Picture and Radio Propaganda.
The subcommittee was investigating whether films like "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" (1939) and "Sergeant York" (1941) manipulated moviegoers with anti-Nazi messages. Testifying as an expert witness, Fidler testified that Hollywood produced "hate-breeding" movies that were anti-Nazi.
He also alleged that filmmakers attempted to bribe him to write favorable reviews. Sensitive to charges of anti-Americanism, film industry executives felt betrayed by Fidler.
When Fidler returned to Hollywood, actor Errol Flynn attacked Fidler at the Macambo nightclub by punching him in the face. Flynn later described Fidler to reporters as a "contemptible liar."
Yet Fidler remained popular with moviegoers. At his peak in 1950, he broadcast on 486 radio stations and his gossip columns appeared in 360 newspapers.

Fidler died in Toluca Lake in 1988.

Now why was Wallace in that 1971 Jeff Bridges Movie? 

The Biography of 'Burton Steven Lancaster' reads like a Movie Script.

New York City Boy

The story of Burt Lancaster begins with the idea of America, with the belief that you can journey to another place and become another person. 

[from above excellent well written  linked site]

On November 2, Lizzie, age thirty-seven, gave birth at home to her third son, Burton Stephen. A crowd of friends and neighbors gathered outside in the street cheered at the news shouted down from the bay window. The baby was named for Lizzie's brother, Stephen, and the attending physician, Burton Thom. Though Thom was a well-loved doctor in the neighborhood, known for his generosity and stiff white collars, mothers did not usually name a child for the doctor unless he had done something extraordinary, such as save the life of the baby — or the mother.

I find this curious? what did this Doctor do?

Some people think Lancaster was actually Jewish and implicate Him in all kinds of  misdemeanours

including the murder of  Natalie Wood...

Facts however should prove out without shadow of doubt it was indeed Burt Lancaster who murdered Natalie Wood that night to protect his acting/producing career after he viciously raped her when she was interviewing for a part in a film for his well known production company at only 15-years-old – the usual spill – where both later told many witnesses.

Who knows? Santa Catalina Island has lots of intriguing stories.. but the Photos on that Site above do look like a lot of Dental work has been done..

 Lancaster supposedly had a lifelong fear of Water so above may be more Fabrication? but 'Atheism' is often just another cover word for 'Devil Worship' etc

Jeff Bridges' Nose looks somewhat different these days from His earlier Movies?..

Vanity is foolishness...Dude .....and Rhinoplasty ?

'M-art-y' in 'Lebowski' wants His Rent Boy Jeff [who wears  His 'Art' on His shirt /chest] to 'Slide the Brown envelope under the Door' [payment in cash or 'Bung']

Effeminate Marty works in the Theatre- likes to unsuccessfully try acting out Greek Dramas-and gives away 'freebies' ? [He needs an Audience/Attention but the empty Theatre apart from Jeff Walter and Donny indicate that they are the only Bums on seats]-this child-like, short pants wearing Psychopomp/fat felon is involved in providing Drugs for cash to Rent-Boy Jeff and probably most of the neighbourhood kids? when they can't get cash..? what do they pay with? He was probably a Stage Director.



The Communist -turned Property Owner.. LARRY PARKS is highly influential.

[He was Jeff  Bridges'  Jewish 'Godfather'] 'Charley, Charlie' 'Karl' etc ...Street for Cocaine.. 

'Blowing in the wind' 'Lay across a Big Brass Bed'

'Up on Cripple Creek' 'Subterranean Homesick Blues'


all Bob 'Zimmerman' Dylan Tunes...Dude

Lancaster and 'Ben Hecht' had a [Movie]Production Company.. that had a disproportionate influence

on aspiring Actors.. but that's another Story.. Pirates and Charlie [Carl?] yep been there lol!...

Film Directors Sydney Pollack or Jackson Pollock ? [note different spelling]

John Woo or Wu Yu Seng? 

Jean Pierre Melville or Herman?

Kerebatsos  or Steven W Carabatsos? Movie Directors ..Dude..



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