Jackson, Pollock and Moby Dick

'Macbeth' or 'The Scottish Play' as it is known by the Thespian Community
[Where even saying 'Macbeth' is considered to be 'Unlucky' in Their
superstition riddled world.] 
Sigmund Freud did a partial Analysis of this Play
and concluded various aspects of the 'Oedipus Complex' were inherent in the Narrative.
At least one Freudian Analyst concluded that 'Schizophrenia' was incumbent in
the Soliloquy. The 'Jungian' term for this is 'Dissociation'.  
was diagnosed with Schizophrenia- His Book has little to do with 'ZEN'
sadly His Son mentioned in the Book died at an early age.

Future Client -the Cacozeliac Transvestite Vaginal Artist 'Maude' [a Theatre term for 'Male Prostitute']
[former Xenoglossic Transvestite Prostitute Model/Actor] Goatee  Jeff   'Dude'
in a darkened[ Duplex] building whilst 'Creating' a Jackson Pollock
imitation 'Snow[Cocaine] Angel' in 'Her' 'Peter Pan' Theatrical Stage Harness 
to complete the
'Valkyrie'/Death Imagery 
'Dood' means Death in Dutch.
along with background muffled sounds [partial deafness]

The Pollock/Art  connection and the Theatre /Architect John Lautner 'Coffee' connection have been pointed out on various Fan Sites.
What may be less obvious is all created Characters met by Jeff [Jackson]'Dude' are based on
previously known 'Celebrity' figures-

mostly from old Movies or Radio Shows
'Dick Tracey' etc who were either buried or cremated in Hollywood
hence the preponderance of 'Ashes' 'Funeral rites' and so on.
Graveyards are associated with 'Yew' Trees 
and the etymol links to Yew Jew etc are many..

In The Clip above 'Maude' speaks Spanish to 'Her' 'Assistants' who understand 'Bajo' and comply
therefore The 'Chants' 'Theatrics' etc must derive from some kind of Hispanic Origins 
[as I think this is a rip off of Jackson Pollock who died in a Car Crash-it could be some kind of [Phoney] 'Spiritualist Ceremonial' or 'Necromancy' - 'Maude' tells Dude , 'She' wants a Child.. but is not interested in who the Father is? as though 'She' was adding another 'Dummy/Mannequin' [note; 'quin']
to 'Her' Collection . But 'Maude' is both trying to re-create 'Her' Teen years [hence the flared Trousers of the 'Vaginal Art' ] and deal with repressed Trauma- I think 'She' has had a very Traumatic experience/been raped or forced into an Abortion- the 'Father' that 'She' distains is actually the Person that needs to be brought back into Consciousness [and dealt with by 'the LAW'] 'Maude' is very fragile indeed and puts on a great ACT...'She' is/has been -very seriously Psychologically Hurt /Damaged]

'Mujer' [Woman in Spanish]  is Street for Cocaine 

[for clearer typo visit site below]

An Alcoholic who was decapitated whilst drunk driving-also killing His passenger 

-Pollock is probably one of the most famous Artists in USA , nicknamed 'the Cowboy Artist' by the Gutter Press-a term He despised-in a Biography He is reported to have based His Paint dripping/splattering  'Style' on a Memory from Childhood of His abusive Alcoholic Father pissing on a rock...Pollock was heavily into 'Moby Dick' [see above site]

Some Artists never learn.. there is no perfection in Art

According to William S. Lieberman, Pollock’s first title for this painting was The White Whale; according to Bryan Robertson, Moby Dick.26 Pollock only changed it to Pasiphaë at the enthusiastic insistence of James Johnson Sweeney, the curator of the Museum of Non-Objective Art, now the Guggenheim. 

One must remember that Pollock took great care in choosing titles but that it was generally after the completion of the painting that he dealt with this problem.

 The central motif of Pasiphaë seems equally as much a woman astride a bull 

 as a white whale pursued by Ahab. 

Whatever the final title, each of the possibilities concerns the obsession of a human being with an allegorical animal.

 “In mythology,” Jung notes, “the unconscious is portrayed as a great animal, for instance . . . as a whale, wolf or dragon,” and since the equivalent area in Guardians of the Secret was the unconscious, the elliptical arena of Pasiphaë may symbolize the unconscious as well (C.W., XIV, p. 210).



Surf's Up!.. 

Jack Daniels No7 Tennessee Bourbon is Unique for many reasons.

Firstly it is one of the only Spirits sold in Square Bottles -Dude

Secondly the recipe for 'Jack' was 'invented' by a Black Guy Master Brewer called 'Green'
[a former slave]

Daniels died childless in 1911- Dude...

and 'Moore' County still produces this Iconic American Spirit...

and 'Tennessee Mule' a Cocktail drink made with 'Jack' ..

is often served in '7' Mugs...Dude...
'Sobchak Security' or 'SS' ? They really were 'GAY JEWISH'-Nazi's Jeff...

Little wonder that Sobchak has a fear of 'The Law?' POLLOCK and POLLACK are phonetic variants of the same name but in USA -'POLAK' is a derogatory term for an immigrant 'Polish' Person 
same as 'BEANER' is derogatory for Mexican etc 


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