
Old Jeff 'Mullet' Bridges is a much better Actor than His Dad.

[as They say in Texas, 'Coons on the Wall'-a famous 'Vietnam' quote by L B Johnson]

-but His  Dad could definitely teach Him a thing or two..
as could EUGENE BURGER the Stage Magician famous for His 'Seances' etc
[good Burgers Dude]

famous 'Magicians' 'Hypnotists' etc 'Sargent' 'Thurston'- remember Jeff 'Mullet' Bridges played Andy 'Sargentee' in 'The Moguls'
and  Thurston shows up in 'Lebowski'
[some use Birdcages Handbells etc- see My  'HYP, THE BLUEBIRD' Post.-or above link]

Jeff Bridges I hear lives in Livingston Montana these days and this is an interesting little Town...it is the setting for the 2022 Movie , 'Mending the Line' which concerns PTSD in veterans etc..
but also has some interesting Cinematography with shots of the Town  and catches of Trout etc

Fly fishing as a Therapy is something I came across many years ago- I used to collect feathers whilst out on walks and tried My hand at tying once or twice but with 'improvised' equipment My efforts were laughable..
I know how to raise a Hackle though...
PTSD [Post Traumatic STRESS Dis-order] is seen by many to be the result of Military experiences-
and this is True- but there are other kinds of Dis-orders brought on by Stress that have nothing to do with Militarism. Many Juveniles have been diagnosed with the condition...

'Home of the Brave' is a 1949 Movie starring some interesting Actors...
Lloyd Bridges, Jeff Corey, Frank Lovejoy etc
Home of the Brave is a 1949 war film based on a 1946 play by Arthur Laurents. It was directed by Mark Robson, and stars Douglas DickJeff CoreyLloyd BridgesFrank LovejoyJames Edwards, and Steve Brodie. The original play featured the protagonist being Jewish, rather than black. The National Board of Review named the film the eighth best of 1949. The film takes its name from the last line of the "Star Spangled Banner"And the home of the brave?"[wikipedia]

It's strange how Movies have a 'Synchronistic' aspect.... Jeff 'Mullet' Bridges was born on 4 Dec 1949
and in that linked picture above is standing in front of a picture of a Canoe about to 'Shoot the rapids'
or worse still plunge to destruction over a raging waterfall?
 [ 'Row your boat'- the song- was used as part of Mullets Childhood 'Jewels Programming' see web] 
who got that Pic for You Jeff? very 'Jack London'

Douglas Dick [see wiki link above] became a professional Psychologist [AND WAS IN THE USCG AT MALIBU]
as well as writing 'Bewitched'[1964] appearing in Hitchcock's 'Rope' etc
Jeff Corey [real name Arthur Zwerling] became an Acting Teacher after being 'blacklisted' in the infamous 'HUAC' hearings and was a trained professional Speech Therapist
Lloyd Bridges   also had some difficulty with the HUAC but TV proved to be His 'redemption'. Appearing in many productions A Cowboy in 'The Loner' made by Rod Serling etc
 He is mostly known as 'Mike Nelson' in 'Seahunt'

[below comment from a fan on a TV Fan Site]

"Loved that show… I remember one line especially… a bad guy called him a man in an underwater bunny suit…"

Nominated for 3 Oscars the Guy was a true Pro. My Mum always said My Dad looked a bit like Him? interesting
Lloyd born 15 Jan My Dad 14 Jan..?

[ 'High Noon' was made as a parody of HUAC unbeknown to some of the Actors involved- Oscar nominated Ben Johnson the Journeyman /Stuntman/Rodeo World Champion for example- who appeared as 'Sam the Lion' in 'the last picture show' and appeared in the Pendleton Rodeos which are notorious for mistreatment of Horses.. ]
nice bit of Joist work Carpentry in that pic above and I like the Floor Tiling too  good job...pity about the scruffy clothing and tatty head? 
-hand stitched or not- a 'Redshirt' in acting parlance derives from 'Star Trek' [so I hear]and is something to do with college football? or whatever... 

1949 saw the release of 'The Glass Mountain' [based on a Polish Fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm-interesting story 'Old Rinkrank' etc see wiki]-the fat lady really does get to sing....

Where solitude endeth, there beginneth the market-place; and where the market-place beginneth, there beginneth also the noise of the great actors, and the buzzing of the poison-flies.

In the world even the best things are worthless without those who represent them: those representers, the people call great men.

Little, do the people understand what is great—that is to say, the creating agency. But they have a taste for all representers and actors of great things.

Friedrich Nietzsche. 'Thus Spake Zarathustra'- ch12 'The Flies in the Marketplace'



Probably the most annoying nuisance Fly is the Bluebottle. Squash it flat. 

'Catfishing' or 'Phony' are terms used for 'Confidence Tricksters'- the term 'Phony' derives from a 'Ring Game' ['Fawny' is a corruption of Irish Gaelic] popular amongst low Lifes in Ireland [see web] where a 'Mug' is 'Fleeced' in a 'Substitution' Con


above link gives an insight into 'Ulysses' by James Joyce [with links to the 'Artist as a Young Man'. Joyce used the 'Ulysses' Greek tale in a modern setting]


 'Then Mulligan speaks of  Bloom in anti-Semitic terms, adding that Bloom is a sexual predator – a common stereotype   of men who are attracted to men by homophobes '


We approach closer to a situation where the action of a fiction is controlled by the structural resonance of a set of classical parallels in Joyce’s next book A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. This is made clear even before the action of the novel starts, in the epigraph which precedes the title page –

Et ignotas animum dimittit in artes – he set his mind to the seeking out of hidden wisdom.

10This line from Ovid’s Metamorphoses is often ignored by students particularly since nowadays they frequently lack any smattering of a classical education, but it is in fact an important clue in the unravelling of the novel’s web. It refers to the story of Daedalus and his son Icarus, a mythical narrative that is even yet part of the European cultural subconscious. 

From the very first page until the very last page the image of the inventor Daedalus is present; Daedalus the artist whose human ingenuity allows him to defy the fate imposed upon him by his supernatural overlords escaping from the cruel maze of his own invention on man-made wings accompanied by his son Icarus whose vaunting triumph in the new-found exercise of flight leads to catastrophe as, soaring too close to the heat of the sun, waxen wings melt and the youth plummets to destruction in the sea.

11Joyce’s novel deals with the growth toward independent consciousness of the mind of a young boy in Ireland who aspires to be an artist. With an iron nerve the young James Joyce named his protagonist Stephen Dedalus.

 It is a tribute to the power of Joyce’s imaginative genius and his capacity to force the willing suspension of the readers disbelief that no one in the almost eighty years since the first publication of the novel has seen fit to cavil at his curious conjunction of names combining as it does the first martyr of the Christian church with the legendary death of the world’s first test pilot. 

Something of the complex trellis of symbolic resonances that sustains the frequently realist – or naturalist – appearing surface of the novel may be gathered from the fact that during the course of the first page or so of the book the figures not alone of Dedalus, Icarus and St. Stephen protomartyr are evoked but also those of Prometheus and Satan in his guise as Lucifer the fallen light-bearer.

12Indeed the image of Icarian fall is one of the most frequently recurring motifs of the novel.

 The action proceeds in a kind of halting dialectic. Stephen appears to make some advance morally, spiritually, intellectually or artistically but this is speedily undercut by a subsequent ironic intervention in a manner which is reminiscent of the sickening fall of the son of Daedalus. Frequently this trope is accomplished by the employment of a species of sympathetic form where the language itself seems to rise in ecstasy from earth bound prose to the delirium of a prophetic chant only to be dashed back to earth by the harsh realities of the prosaic life.


'Ulysses'   is the forename of U.S President Grant... 'Pollock'[ Polk is a variant of Pollock] too was a former U.S President as was [Chester] 'Arthur'... [Dick]'Nixon'... [LBJ]'Johnson' and so on... 'U. S Presidents' and Historical

Political figures such as Henry Knox also feature ' unconsciously' in 

this 'game' of 'Artsy' Characters who are all based on the Theatre and its Stage 'Devices'   

['Flying Harnesses' 'Prompters' 'Greasepaint' 'Stage Scenery Construction' etc]

'Sodom and Gomorrah' a Book by Marcel Proust

“It is not only by dint of lying to others, but also of lying to ourselves, that we cease to notice that we are lying.” 

both these Authors had 'issues'-

Proust was a Hypochondriac Homosexual who thought He had 'Abulia' and by His own admission was always obsessively Masturbating as a Teenager to the point where it became a Medical problem...


Joyce was a 'Closet' Homosexual probably victim of Pederasty from a very Catholic backgroundand Salvador Dali  a famous Surrealist Artist who as a young man created one of His most famous Self Portraits

which He Titled? 'The Great Masturbator'- 

reminiscences of a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man...?

                                                          [pic Wikipedia-note 'Insectoid' symbolism ]

You play Your games? -I play Mine... 

'Hamburger Hill' Movie Script-written by a certain 'Carabatsos'
has dialogue about 'cutting your dick off' etc..
of course as I have previously shown Communism Is responsible for the Vietnam conflict AND the near Genocide of the Worlds Whale population.

Jewish 'Fallen Angel' Satanism= Death Worship-hence the 'Holocaust' 'Holodomor' etc


Confused sexuality in puberty causes untold problem scenarios.

Threats from 'religioso' adults have little effect if pubescent children have been abused by an irresponsible adult [of either sex]
what is needed is a clear explanation of the emotional side of coitus.

Syd Barrett [Pink Floyd] developed 'Schizophrenia' after using LSD
eventually leading to the breakup of the band
'See Emily Play'...

the only thing that's missing is the irritating infantile 'Canned Laughter' of 
American TV 

People do love a good 'gossip' 
Hollywood has thousands of 'watchers' just waiting for a juicy story...

[the Blind leading the Blind]

'The Melting Watch' by Dali... [note the fly]

Watches  are used by some Hypnotists.

and all 'Magic' is based on Hypnotism..

Language  has different meanings dependent on context.

'Bow' of a Ship

'Bow' and Arrow

'Bow' down to Royalty

take a 'Bow' 



Bough of a Tree

and this is the 'Key' -the 'Unconscious' cannot discriminate meanings.

which brings Me back to My favourite Author Herman Melville...

its a Bummer?

a 'Bower' is a leafy recess..an 'Arbour'



or 'Czech'...


and the Man who wants to start a 'Domino Cascade' begins by  very gently knocking over

just one little 'Bone'...

'Outlaws M.C.' are Motorcycle Enthusiasts..

'Medina' is the HQ of the 'INDIAN' Motorcycle Co. [Polaris]

and as a little 'Footnote';

'Mullet' the fish I have shown is also a third Son in Heraldry....

but it also is a word for 'Star' and the 5 pointed Star Mullet is of course on the American Flag.

[My Swallow Tattoo finally became clear to Me]

Ulysses was searching for a 'Golden Fleece' and Homer was playing games with His readers..

I think James Joyce was also 'playing games'.. I have Irish Heritage and citizenship also..

Old Jeff Bridges likes playing word games ...so I devised this Blog to give Him
something to think about besides Acting...at first it was a bit of a joke on My part..
but I've come to realise Jeff has not been well in the past..
I have no interest in making His life any more difficult and can assure Him I will never visit Montana 
unless invited.

'Mulet' is the French translation of 'Mullet'

but it should be noted that this translates as 'Ass' or DONKEY...in English..

Your choice 'Star-man' ...Jeff...

I gave up Fishing and have no interest in taking it up again.



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