['PROT' IS 'PROTEUS', AN ARCHAIC NAME FOR MERCURIUS DUPLEX]

Konx Om Pax: Essays in Light is a publication by British occultist Aleister Crowley, first published in 1907. The name Konx Om Pax is a phrase said to have been pronounced in the Eleusinian Mysteries to bid initiates to depart after having completed the tests for admission to the degree of epopt (seer).
This phrase, written in Greek as Κόνξ Ὄμ Παξ, is not immediately intelligible in that language, and a number of theories have been advanced as to its origin and meaning.
S. L. MacGregor Mathers[1] claimed it to have been derived from Khabs Am Pekht, which in the Egyptian language means roughly "Light in extension" or "Light rushing out in a single ray", which is used in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn's Vernal andAutumnal Equinox ceremonies.
Dudley Wright[2] also claimed the phrase to be of Egyptian origin, but with the meaning "Watch, and do no evil".
Captain Francis Wilford[3] claimed the phrase came from Canscha Om Pacsha, in Sanskrit.
Augustus le Plongeon[4] proposed that the phrase derived from the Mayan language, as Con-ex Omon Panex, meaning "Go, strangers; scatter!".
The front cover image, portraying the title Konx Om Pax in stretched letters, is said to have been designed by Crowley while smoking hashish. [Wikipedia]

K-PAX...Dude?...or a little, 'Laurence', of Arabia?...
['Larry', is slang, for Cannabis]

'JUREMA', or, 'Mexican Root Bark' contains, 'DMT' the active entheogen,
that  is contained in Cannabis...
Perhaps this explains 'Pyramid' 'Forms' in Egyptian, and Meso American, cultures?...Certainly, Shaman Priests of both cultures followed similar rituals..
Animal, Crocodile/Snake worship etc..

BLUEBIRD was approved by the CIA director on April 20, 1950. In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE included a great deal of work on the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers, and the Manchurian Candidate.

Deliberate Creation of Multiple 
Personality by Psychiatrists

By Colin A. Ross MD

Prisoners in Washington and Oregon state prisons were paid to have their testicles irradiated. They got $5 a month for the irradiation. During the experiment, which ran from 1963 to 1971, the subjects' testicles were exposed to 600 roentgen of radiation, which is 100 times the maximum recommended dose. P. 15-17

                                             WHAT MAKES A MAN?.... MR LEBOWSKI?

DEER HUNTER DE NIRO?[Like that Jacket Dude..]



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